Unmasking the Truth: Are Fries Really Unhealthy? Tips for Healthier Preparation

2023-08-08 17:21:16

Summer, sun, outdoor pool – and fries are simply part of it. Along with burgers and pizza, the crispy sticks are among the most popular fast foods in Germany. But how unhealthy are fries really? And how many calories are in a serving of fries? We’ll tell you whether fries have a bad reputation and have the best tips on how to prepare fries healthier.

In the video: Why a doctor recommends fries in the heat

Why are fries considered unhealthy fast food?

French fries are arguably one of the most popular side dishes in fast food restaurants around the world. They are crispy, salty and simply delicious. However, fries are considered unhealthy. Here are three reasons fries are considered unhealthy fast food:

Fett: French fries are deep fried, which means they’re swimming in a lot of oil. This leads to a high fat content, which makes them real calorie bombs. Saturated and trans fats, found in large amounts in fried foods, can also increase the risk of heart disease and lead to weight gain.Salt: French fries are often generously sprinkled with salt to enhance their flavor. a high one salt consumption can lead to high blood pressure, which in turn increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. We should therefore not consume too much salt.Acrylamide: When foods like potatoes are roasted, baked and fried, a chemical compound called acrylamide is formed. This substance is formed by the reaction of sugar and asparagine, a natural amino acid, at high temperatures. Acrylamide is suspected of being carcinogenic and nerve-damaging. However, studies to date have provided conflicting results. It is therefore recommended to keep the intake of acrylamide as low as possible. French fries that have been fried for a particularly long time and/or hot contain a high amount of acrylamide.

How healthy are fries really?

Despite their reputation as unhealthy fast food, fries, in moderation, can be part of a balanced diet. Note the following points:

A healthy portion of fries as a side dish is usually regarding 100 grams. It’s important to be mindful of portion size and not to overdo it. Potatoes are surprisingly high in vitamin C. However, some of this valuable nutrient is lost during preparation, especially when cooking peeled potatoes. At the Due to the sudden change in temperature, frying retains even more of the vitamin C than cooking. However, that doesn’t mean that french fries are a great source of vitamin C and that you should use them to meet your vitamin C needs. There are many other healthier foods like fresh fruits and vegetables that contain far more vitamin C. Still, it’s interesting to know that french fries aren’t completely devoid of nutrients carbohydratesthe one important source of energy are for our body. Eat them in moderation, though, especially if you’re trying to lose weight or control your blood sugar levels. Fries shouldn’t be on the daily menu, but rather as a occasional indulgence to be viewed as. A balanced diet with a variety of healthy foods is the key to a healthy lifestyle. As with many foods, the same applies to fries: It depends on the crowd. If you eat an otherwise healthy diet, exercise regularly, and only eat fries occasionally and in moderate amounts, this shouldn’t lead to health problems.

How many calories are in a serving of fries?

The number of calories in a serving of fries depends on various factors, such as the serving size, the way it is prepared, and the type of oil used. On average, a serving of French fries (100 grams) contains regarding 320 calories. It’s important to keep an eye on calorie intake, especially if you’re looking to lose weight.

Preparing fries healthier: This is how it works

Although french fries are traditionally fried, there are ways to make them healthier without sacrificing flavor. Here are our tips:

Pay attention to the shape: The thickness and shape of the fries can make a difference. Thick fries tend to contain less fat than thinner varieties because they absorb less oil. Wavy fries, which have more surface area, can get crispier without needing a lot of oil.Duration and time: Do not fry the fries for too long or at too high a temperature. This will prevent them from absorbing too much oil and becoming too greasy. The ideal temperature is around 160°C to 175°C. Make sure the temperature does not exceed 180°C. A special kitchen thermometer helps to control the temperature. Fry the fries until golden, regarding 3.5 minutes.French fries in the oven and hot air fryer: A healthier alternative to frying is to bake the fries in the oven or use an air fryer. This will reduce the oil content and therefore the calories, while still leaving the fries crispy.Make fries yourself: By making your own fries, you have control over the ingredients and cooking method. You can use fresh potatoes and season them to your own preference.Prepare sweet potato fries: Sweet potatoes are a good alternative to regular potatoes. They contain more vitamins and fiber, which makes them feel full longer.Make mayonnaise, ketchup and co. yourself or do without it: Commercial sauces like mayonnaise and ketchup often contain added sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats. Healthier alternatives made from natural ingredients can be easily made at home. For example, make a lighter mayonnaise with yogurt or avocado and ketchup made with fresh tomatoes and spices. Here you will find even more inspiration for delicious summer dips. Use salt sparingly: When you make your own fries, you have control over the amount of salt. Use less salt or experiment with different spices and herbs to intensify the flavor without adding too much salt.

Our tip: low-carb fries

If you’re on a low-carb diet, you don’t have to give up fries entirely. There are creative ways to make low carb fries by using other veggies as a substitute for potatoes. Suitable for this, for example Zucchini, kohlrabi, Jerusalem artichoke, carrots, black salsify, pumpkin, beetroot, celeriac or parsley root. With a delicious low-carb breading, these fries are also nice and crispy.

The recipe for low carb fries

You can find more delicious potato recipes here:

Are Baked Fries Healthy?

Baked fries are generally healthier than fried fries because they contain less fat. Much less oil is used in baking, making the fries lower in calories and lower in saturated and trans fats, which have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease.

What are the healthiest fries?

The healthiest fries are those that are made with wholesome ingredients and use a gentle cooking method. Instead of potatoes, use other vegetables such as zucchini, carrots, sweet potatoes or kohlrabi and bake them vegetable fries or prepare them in the air fryer.

Why are fried fries unhealthy?

Fried fries are unhealthy because they are high in saturated and trans fats, which can increase your risk of heart disease. They also contain a lot of calories. In addition, harmful substances such as acrylamide, which are suspected of being carcinogenic, are produced during frying.

Which is healthier, potatoes or fries?

Basically, fresh potatoes are healthier than french fries because they contain less fat and calories. French fries are typically fried in large amounts of oil, which increases the fat content significantly. In addition, nutrients are lost during frying, while fresh potatoes are a good source of fiber and potassium.

How often can you eat fries?

How often you are allowed to eat fries depends on various factors, such as your individual state of health, your personal goals and your diet as a whole. In general, fries should not be consumed regularly or as a major part of the diet as they are usually high in fat, salt and calories. It is recommended to consider them as an occasional treat.

Are all frozen fries pre-fried?

Frozen fries are usually pre-fried. This makes preparation easier later and ensures even baking or deep-frying results. Follow package directions to prepare properly.

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