Unmasking the Mystery: Who’s Behind the Gelsenkirchen Show Cancellations

Luke Mockridge caused outrage with jokes about the Paralympics. Now an organizer is taking action and becomes really clear.

On Monday, the organizer “Emschertainment” canceled two planned shows by comedian Luke Mockridge on October 25 and 26 in the Kaue Gelsenkirchen.

The reason for this is controversial comments made by Mockridge about the Paralympics and people with disabilities in a podcast. In the podcast episode “The Germans” on August 15, Mockridge said, among other things, about the Paralympics: “There are people without arms and legs who are thrown into a pool – and whoever drowns last wins.” This resulted in a wave of criticism of the comedian.

In a statement published on Monday, the company said it had received Mockridge’s comments with “great irritation and dismay.” It continued: “Luke Mockridge clearly lacks any humility towards the achievements of the Paralympians and respect towards people with disabilities of any kind. We find his comments inhumane and disgraceful.”

“Emschertainment” managing director Helmut Hasenkox also stressed in an interview with “WAZ”: “Satire is allowed to do anything, but stupidity and bad taste are not. The two should be clearly distinguished from one another.” He described Mockridge’s public apology as “half-hearted” and probably “made out of sheer necessity”.

Mockridge apologized for his statements on Instagram and explained that it was never his intention to “ridicule people with disabilities.” When working with disabled people, he said he had “always experienced a sharp, black sense of humor” that he himself had not been able to properly convey.

In addition to “Emschertainment”, the television station Sat.1 has also taken action and cancelled Mockridge’s show “What’s in the Box?”, which was scheduled for September 12th.

The 35-year-old actually wanted to celebrate his TV comeback with this show after he had disappeared from television for a long time due to allegations of sexual violence by his ex-partner. The Cologne public prosecutor’s office had closed an investigation into the allegations against Mockridge, and he himself later admitted to misconduct towards women.

Customers who have already purchased tickets for the cancelled shows in Gelsenkirchen can return them to the points of sale from September 10, 2024.

Here are some related questions for the title **”Luke Mockridge’s Paralympics Jokes Spark Outrage: Organizer and TV Station Take Action”**:

Luke Mockridge’s Paralympics Jokes Spark Outrage: Organizer and TV ​Station Take Action

German comedian​ Luke Mockridge has found himself in the midst of a controversy after making derogatory comments about the Paralympics and ⁤people with disabilities on a podcast [[1]]. The backlash has led to an event organizer canceling two‌ of his shows, ⁤and a television station⁤ axing his program.

In the podcast episode “The Germans” on August 15, Mockridge made jokes about the Paralympics, saying, “There are people without arms and legs who are thrown into a pool – and whoever ⁢drowns last ‌wins.” These comments sparked widespread criticism, with many accusing him of lacking respect and empathy towards people with disabilities [[2]].

In‌ response to the outrage,⁢ event organizer ‍”Emschertainment” canceled two planned⁤ shows by Mockridge on October 25 and 26 in the Kaue Gelsenkirchen.‍ The ‌company issued a statement expressing their “great irritation and‌ dismay” ‍at Mockridge’s comments, which they deemed “inhumane and disgraceful” [[3]].

“Emschertainment”⁢ managing director Helmut⁢ Hasenkox emphasized that while⁤ satire is allowed to ​push boundaries, it should not cross the line into stupidity and bad ⁣taste. He described Mockridge’s public ‍apology as “half-hearted” and likely made ​out of necessity.

Mockridge‍ apologized for his statements on ‌Instagram, claiming that he never intended to ridicule people with disabilities. He explained that he had experienced a sharp, black sense of humor when working with disabled people, but failed​ to convey ​it properly.

In addition to “Emschertainment”, television station Sat.1 has also taken action and canceled‍ Mockridge’s⁤ show. This decision is a significant blow to the‌ comedian, who had only recently signed with the network.

The incident serves as a reminder of⁣ the importance of respecting people with disabilities and being mindful of the language we use. ‍While comedians often push ⁤boundaries, they‌ must also be aware of the impact of their words on vulnerable ‌groups.

Luke Mockridge’s Paralympics jokes have sparked a ⁣wave of outrage, ⁤leading to the cancellation of his shows and a TV program. The incident highlights the need for comedians to be respectful ⁤and considerate in their humor, and for‍ organizations to⁤ take ⁤a stand against discrimination and disrespect.





What were the specific comments made by Luke Mockridge that sparked outrage regarding the Paralympics?

Luke Mockridge’s Paralympics Jokes Spark Outrage: Organizer and TV Station Take Action

German comedian Luke Mockridge has found himself in the midst of a controversy after making derogatory comments about the Paralympics and people with disabilities on a podcast [[1]]. The backlash has led to an event organizer canceling two of his shows, and a television station axing his program.

In the podcast episode “The Germans” on August 15, Mockridge made jokes about the Paralympics, saying, “There are people without arms and legs who are thrown into a pool – and whoever drowns last wins.” These comments sparked widespread criticism, with many accusing him of lacking respect and empathy towards people with disabilities [[2]].

In response to the outrage, event organizer “Emschertainment” canceled two planned shows by Mockridge on October 25 and 26 in the Kaue Gelsenkirchen. The company issued a statement expressing their “great irritation and dismay” at Mockridge’s comments, which they deemed “inhumane and disgraceful” [[3]].

“Emschertainment” managing director Helmut Hasenkox emphasized that while satire is allowed to push boundaries, it should not cross the line into stupidity and bad taste. He described Mockridge’s public apology as “half-hearted” and likely made out of necessity.

Mockridge apologized for his statements on Instagram, claiming that he never intended to ridicule people with disabilities. He explained that he had experienced a sharp, black sense of humor when working with disabled people, but failed to convey it properly.

In addition to “Emschertainment”, television station Sat.1 has also taken action and canceled Mockridge’s show. This decision is a significant blow to the comedian, who had only recently signed with the network.

The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting people with disabilities and being mindful of the language we use. While comedians often push boundaries, they must also be aware of the impact of their words on vulnerable groups.

Luke Mockridge’s Paralympics jokes have sparked a wave of outrage, leading to the cancellation of his shows and a TV program. The incident highlights the need for comedians to be respectful and considerate in their humor, and for organizations to take a stand against discrimination and disrespect.


<a href="https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/panorama/prominente/luke-mockridge-paralymp



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