Unmasking Reality: Essential Perspectives from Ukraine’s Interior Minister During the Conflict

Military expert Egidijus Papečkys, in his review of the war published on the social network Facebook on Thursday evening, assessed the previous day at the front as very hot.

He singled out that Russian sources reported the breakthrough of signs near Avdijivka and the imminent recapture of the city.

“Although the situation is really not easy, I look at such reports from the Russians with a bit of skepticism, the occupation of 5 houses is a “significant breakthrough” for them,” the military expert quipped.

Sources in the Russian media also indicated that 11 units of Ukrainian military equipment were destroyed in the Kherson region, moving across the Dnieper River to an occupied bridgehead, including three of the newest German short-range air defense system IRIS-T missile launchers, several self-propelled artillery guns.

However, these Russian claims are not confirmed.

According to E. Papečkis, the Russians are once again using the “meat attack” tactic, sacrificing soldiers for occupying individual small positions that have no value.

“Just like that, position by position, meter by meter, they will try to push forward. Deteriorated weather conditions will not have a greater impact on such hostilities,” he noted.

The expert assessed that the Russians are trying to exhaust the Ukrainian defenders first, hoping to use their manpower advantage. In order to maintain that advantage without a new wave of mobilization, the Kremlin needs to apply various measures.

It was officially announced that from the beginning of the year until November 1. collected 400 thousand volunteers to serve in the professional military service under the contract.

<img alt="Reuters/Scanpix/Russian military” rel=”content-image” src=”https://s1.15min.lt/static/cache/NjcweCw5NjB4NTgyLDExMDgzODQsb3JpZ2luYWwsLGlkPTkxOTI0NjImZGF0ZT0yMDIzJTJGMTAlMkYxNiwzNjY0NDM1ODgw/rusijos-kariai-652cf0922959e.jpg” style=”width: auto; height: auto;”/>

Reuters/Scanpix/Russian military

“Why so successful? Because they are tempted by sweet gingerbreads”, said E. Papečkys.

He highlighted that they may be attracted by a good monthly income, which allows families to significantly improve their living conditions, which is extremely important for the residents of the provinces.

Moreover, governors and heads of local administration were personally obliged to collect a set number of volunteers.

“Afraid of losing warm places, they are the last ones trying to entice people to lay their heads in Ukraine,” wrote E. Papečkys.

He shared the information that the city of Moscow was instructed to collect 20,000 by the end of the year. soldiers, and this number was reached a few days ago. Muscovites were enticed by a one-time 1 million. payment of rubles.

“Elsewhere, housing or other goods are offered because regions and other administrative units have large budgets that governors can distribute with a relatively light hand.”

Not all measures seem so logical, he noted. There is also talk of canceling debts for persons fighting at the front in Ukraine. However, the loans were most likely not given to them by the state, but by banks, companies and private individuals.

“The other gingerbread looks more real. A faction of the Putinist United Russia party in the State Duma is reportedly preparing to introduce a bill that would allow any citizen who participated in combat operations to purchase a weapon without any exams. Control will be carried out only by issuing a permit – you are loyal to the regime, please, disloyal – a spear under your nose,” the military expert wrote.

IMAGO/Scanpix/Russian soldiers

He believes that in this way the Kremlin wants to arm a part of the society that it considers loyal: it would help to strengthen border protection against Ukrainian (or Caucasian) subversive groups, but there are also threats. Let’s say guns can be obtained by would-be alcoholics and criminals.

“Still, the biggest risk is that yesterday’s biggest loyalists could become the biggest enemies of the regime tomorrow – Russia is full of all kinds of strelkov-girkins and prigozhinas, they can march back to Moscow with weapons,” the expert summarized.

In Russia, 110,000-120,000 men perform compulsory military service every year. conscripts who immediately become young reservists with fresh skills.

“Since the beginning of the war, there are already about 300,000 of them, and soon another 120,000 will be added.” This is a large ready reserve that can be called upon at any moment. Why not call them now? Because Putin, like Hitler, seeks to create conditions for society to not feel war”, explained E. Papečkys.

Secondly, according to him, there is a lack of weapons, ammunition and equipment. There is also a shortage of officers, without whom the mass of mobilized reservists will not become military units.

“But it must not be forgotten that Russia has an ever-increasing reserve, which at a decisive moment in the future can strongly tilt the scales in favor of the Russians,” concluded the military expert.

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#Russia #launched #war #Ukraine #interior #minister #important #decision #revealed #details
2024-09-11 00:44:31

Here are the PAA-related questions for the title **”Russian Military Strategy and Manpower Advantage: Expert Analysis”**:

Russian Military Strategy and Manpower Advantage:‌ Expert ⁢Analysis

In a recent Facebook post, military expert Egidijus Papečkys shared ⁣his observations on the current state⁣ of the‍ war, highlighting the Russian military’s‌ tactics and strengths.⁢ Papečkys, ‌a seasoned expert with ​experience⁣ in military strategy and analysis, provided in-depth insights into the Kremlin’s approach to warfare and ⁢its implications for the⁣ Ukrainian defenders.

Russian ‌Military Strategy: “Meat Attack” ⁤Tactic

According to Papečkys, the Russian military is employing a “meat ‍attack” tactic, sacrificing‍ soldiers ⁤to occupy individual⁢ small positions that have no significant value. This approach aims to exhaust the ⁣Ukrainian defenders, leveraging the Russians’ manpower advantage to ⁣push forward meter ⁣by meter. The expert notes that deteriorated weather conditions will not significantly impact such⁤ hostilities.

What tactics does Egidijus Papečkys believe Russia is using in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine?

Egidijus Papečkys: A Military Expert’s Insights on the War

Egidijus Papečkys, a renowned military expert, recently shared his thoughts on the ongoing war in Ukraine via a Facebook post. Papečkys, who serves as the commander of the Riflemen’s 4th Regional Command in Lithuania, has been actively involved in military matters for years [[1]].

In his Facebook post, Papečkys assessed the previous day’s events at the front as “very hot.” He expressed skepticism about Russian sources’ claims of a breakthrough near Avdijivka and the imminent recapture of the city, describing their supposed “significant breakthrough” as merely occupying five houses [[2]].

Papečkys went on to highlight the Russian military’s use of the “meat attack” tactic, where they sacrifice soldiers to occupy individual small positions with little strategic value. He believes that the Russians aim to exhaust the Ukrainian defenders, utilizing their manpower advantage to push forward, meter by meter, despite deteriorating weather conditions [[2]].

The expert also shed light on the Russian military’s efforts to maintain their advantage without resorting to a new wave of mobilization. According to official reports, from the beginning of the year until November 1, Russia managed to collect 400,000 volunteers to serve in the professional military service under contract. Papečkys attributes this success to the attractive offers made to potential recruits, including a good monthly income, housing, and other benefits [[2]].

Papečkys’s comments come as tensions between Russia and Ukraine continue to escalate. His insights, garnered from years of military expertise, provide a unique perspective on the ongoing conflict. As the commander of the Riflemen’s 4th Regional Command, Papečkys is well-versed in military strategy and tactics.

In addition to his Facebook post, Papečkys has been featured in various media outlets, including Delfi, where he shared his thoughts on the war and Ukraine’s prospects for a counter-attack [[3]]. His expertise has been sought after by several publications, solidifying his reputation as a trusted voice in the realm of military affairs.

As the conflict in Ukraine continues to unfold, Papečkys’s insights will undoubtedly remain a valuable resource for those seeking to understand the complexities of modern warfare.







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