“Unlocking Your Employee Savings: Methods and Special Cases for Early Release”

2023-05-28 16:00:00

Employee savings is an attractive way for employees to build up long-term savings. Unfortunately, the conditions for releasing this savings can sometimes be blocking. In this article, we present the different methods for unlocking your employee savings as well as the special cases that allow you to access them before the scheduled term.

The main forms of employee savings

There are several types of employee savings, including:

  • The Company Savings Plan (PEE) : This is a collective savings system that allows employees to place their participation, profit-sharing and possibly voluntary payments in mutual funds.
  • The Collective Retirement Savings Plan (PERCO) : This system aims to help employees build up specific savings for retirement, in addition to the mandatory schemes.

The conditions for releasing employee savings

In principle, the sums placed in a PEE are blocked for a minimum period of 5 years, while those invested in a PERCO are inaccessible until retirement. However, there are cases of early release provided for by law:

  • Marriage or the conclusion of a PACS
  • The birth or adoption of a third child
  • The purchase or construction of a principal residence
  • Employee over-indebtedness
  • The termination of the employment contract (dismissal, retirement, etc.)
  • The creation or takeover of a business
  • The death of the employee or his spouse

Release the funds by respecting the procedures

To obtain the early release of your employee savings, you must send a written request to your employer or to the institution managing the plan, specifying the reason and attaching the necessary supporting documents. The response time is generally 15 days.

The sums released in this way are subject to social security contributions, but they are exempt from income tax if they come from participation or profit-sharing.

Better manage your employee savings

More than half of the beneficiaries lack information to better manage their employee savings. It is essential to be well informed regarding the different types of investment, the associated costs and the performance of the funds offered in order to maximize the profitability of your savings.

Diversifying your investments will allow you to reduce the risks associated with financial market volatility. For example, you can divide your savings between several investment funds or choose stocks, bonds or real estate.

Take advantage of tax benefits

Employee savings benefit from significant tax advantages, in particular exemption from income tax for the sums resulting from profit-sharing and profit-sharing. In addition, voluntary payments made on a PERCO are deductible from taxable income within certain limits.

To make the most of these schemes, it is recommended that you consult a wealth management advisor who can help you optimize your savings strategy according to your personal situation and your financial objectives.

Employee savings represents an interesting opportunity to build up capital in the medium or long term and prepare for retirement. However, it is essential to know the conditions for early release and to manage your savings well to reap all the benefits.

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