Unlocking Wonderlands: The Vibrant Harmony of Learning and Play in Kindergarten

This Wednesday the traditional recreational-leisure day of the Kindergartens took place where they carry out different games and recreational activities under a particular theme.

On the occasion, the day took place at the Racing Club stadium and the chosen theme had to do with the environment.

Sonia Rodríguez, inspector of the modality, gave details of the activity that brought together more than 900 children from all the Party’s kindergartens.

«It is a wonderful day to accompany this day that is very important for the initial level in Balcarce, because it is an event in which all the state-run and privately run kindergartens participate and where the children are all mixed. They do not gather in gardens to compete, but it is a game where everyone participates and there is no competition. Each one has a different colored shirt, they play, they make new friends, they do a job of sharing and recreating that has nothing to do with competition.


The organization of this type of event aims at both recreation and play as well as enjoyment. In that sense, Rodríguez expressed: “a lot of work has been done from the gardens for this day. They prepared puppets and entered singing a murga with a song that each garden wrote. It is a work that is not only done on the premises where the day takes place, but also in the institutions. “The physical and artistic education teachers work with them beforehand with games so they can recreate together in this place.”

According to Rodríguez, there are already 11 meetings that have been held except for the years 2020 and 2021, taking into account the Covid-19 pandemic.


He reflected that each year we work with a theme: «both last year and this year we worked with the environment. With the initial level we have a very strong imprint in projects that have to do with the environment. “So we decided that both last year and this year, that the general theme had to do with this: caring for the environment.”


After each day, a balance is clearly made. In this context, Rodríguez elaborated: “every year we take stock and analyze, we try to improve and see how we can continue to move forward, because we are very excited about the development that is taking place.”

There are almost 1,000 kindergarten students who participate in this day, but there are just as many teachers and professors who join the organization: “there are around 50 and 60 people. Teachers of the initial level, of the Physical Education and Artistic modality who are working. The initial level teachers and students from the Art School who are studying Visual Arts join in, who also came to lend a hand.



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