Unlocking the Truth: Debunking Expiry Dates on Food for Less Waste and More Savings

2023-07-07 23:54:06

More and more voices are being raised in favor of removing the expiry dates on food or at least revising this formula.

The agri-food industry specialist at Dalhousie University, Sylvain Charlebois, believes that education work must be done with the public to limit food waste linked to these expiry dates.

“This date is in fact a beacon of quality, of freshness, ultimately. That does not necessarily mean that the product must be thrown away afterwards,” says Mr. Charlebois.

The specialist also believes that a distinction must be made between the expiry date and the expiry date. The second is present on a limited number of products, he specifies.

“You have to explain to people what these dates mean,” adds the expert.

Furthermore, Sylvain Charlebois mentions that storage plays an important role in food preservation.

“I have received testimonials from people who have already tasted yogurt […] six months after the date,” he explains.

“The more we manage our inventory at home, the more we will be able to save more,” adds the expert.

Some people enjoy a stronger immune system, adds the specialist.

“You have to individualize risk management,” summarizes Mr. Charlebois.

To see the full interview, watch the video above.

#expiry #date #eliminated

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