Unlocking the Truth about Warm Lemon Water for Weight Loss and Wellness

2023-08-03 21:02:00

Kitchens are full of remedies that promise to help you lose weight: a teaspoon of olive oil alone or with lemon, coffee with coconut oil, sugar-free hibiscus infusion, ginger tea, water with vinegar apple and more. Lemon water is part of this universe.

This mixture is very similar to fresh lemon water or lemonade, with the difference that it does not contain sugar.

What is the use of drinking warm water with lemon?

Many of the recipes call for adding the juice of a whole lemon to a glass of water, sometimes suggesting cold, other sources saying warm or hot. It is one of the most used concoctions for those who want to lose weight quickly because they ensure that it burns fat.

The promoters of this drink recommend drinking it on an empty stomach or before bed to achieve it, they also advise it to detoxify, improve digestion and more. How much does it actually work?

These two ingredients are healthy and safe to combine, in fact, this citrus fruit is often a frequent guest in mixes because it is attributed weight loss properties. Drinking lemon water every day might work, but not in the way you think.

Properties of lemon to lose weight

Although there are several studies that talk about the qualities of lemons to lose weight, the investigations are not conclusive and many of them have been done on animals, not on humans.

According to Healthline, the soluble fiber pectin in the rinds of these fruits is thought to expand in the stomach and help you feel full, although this substance is not actually in the juice, so “lemon juice drinks are not helpful.” the feeling of satiety in the same way”.

In addition, nutritionist Beth Czerwony commented in a Cleveland Clinic article that there is nothing in lemon juice that can burn fat: “There is no chemical connection for that to happen. I’m sorry to say, but it’s not that easy.”

The only way to eliminate unwanted fat is by eating fewer calories or burning more, as well as a general change in habits, beyond just drinking a remedy in the morning.

What happens if I drink warm water with lemon on an empty stomach?

As for the combination of water with lemon, Medical News Today says that there is no evidence that it has more benefits than water alone to reduce those ‘extra pounds’.

Healthline adds that just drinking water increases the number of calories burned, but temporarily, “it may be the water itself that helps you lose weight, not the lemon.”

There is also no evidence that consuming it on an empty stomach has better effects, so you can take it at any time and you will get the same results.

Does lemon water help you lose weight?

These are the reasons why the mixture could support those who seek this goal, in combination with a balanced diet:

Healthline says that drinking plain water before meals is recommended as a weight loss strategy, although the evidence to suggest this is limited. One way to flavor this tip can be lemon juice. Medical News Today says that lemon water has all the benefits of regular water, which “may increase feelings of satiety and slightly boost metabolism, which may help lose weight”. If it replaces other caloric drinks: the ‘trick’ of water with lemon in the morning can replace options such as orange juice or coffee with milk, since it only has 6 calories and will bring long-term effects in weight loss, in combination with healthy habits. If taken instead of sugary drinks (juices, soft drinks, sports drinks, sugar water and energy drinks) that bring various health problems such as obesity. “Substituting fresh lemon water for sugary soft drinks is a healthy way to reduce calorie intake, which is a positive step toward healthy weight management,” says Medical News Today.

Is it better to drink hot or cold water with lemon?

According to Medical News Today, temperature is a hot topic, as some believe cold water helps burn more calories and warm water improves digestive health:

“There is very little research to support either alternative and it is unlikely that temperature would make a significant difference. A person can simply choose the temperature that he prefers.

However, hot water with lemon before going to bed can help you relax, due to the temperature; cold is better for rehydration.

What are the benefits of warm lemon water?

Good digestion: Specialist Roxanne B. Sukol explained to the Cleveland Clinic that the acid in lemon can be especially useful to supplement stomach acid levels, which decrease with age. Especially when it is hot, it can help keep the digestive system moving and help eliminate waste, describes Healthline, since it is believed that it can dissolve ingested food, although more research is needed. It promotes hydration for those who do not drink enough water or find it difficult to consume flavorless beverages. A good dose of Vitamin C, found in citrus fruits such as lemons, contains antioxidants that may help protect cells from damaging free radicals. Vitamin C and lemon flavonoids are associated with a reduced risk of certain types of cancer, as well as protection of the system immunity and fight infections.
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