Unlocking the Mystery of Lunar Vortices: New Research Reveals Surprising Link to Moon’s Topography

2023-11-19 21:35:57

Washington – Agencies In a close study of the mysterious features known as “lunar vortices” that appear on the moon’s surface, scientists have confirmed that at least two of them are related to its topography. A scientific journal reported that this evidence; It could help scientists figure out the causes of these bright wrinkles appearing on the moon, the origin of which is still far from being explained. Planetary scientist John Weyrich, of the Planetary Science Institute, said: “The legal explanation for lunar vortices is that the terrain has no effect on the location of the moon.” The vortex or its shape.” A team led by planetary scientist Deborah Domingo, from the Planetary Science Institute, found that “in the vortex in an area known as “Mare Ingenie,” the bright lines are about 2 to 3 meters lower than the dark lanes between them. Finding these “Vortex” once is interesting, but not enough to determine a correlation. So, Weirich and his colleagues investigated another vortex, known as Reiner gamma. They took data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter’s camera and processed it using a suite that included machine learning to extract the surface topography at high resolution. Their results were similar to those seen in the vortex, which was spotted in the “Mare Ingenie” area. Written by Al-Bilad newspaper, the first Saudi newspaper founded by: Muhammad Saleh Nassif on 11/27/1350 AH, corresponding to April 3, 1932 AD. It was reissued under the name (Al-Bilad Al-Saudi) on 1/4/1365 AH 3/4/1946 AD.
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