Unlocking the Mysteries of Basal-Type Pancreatic Cancer: New Treatment Strategies Revealed

2024-01-14 09:46:51

Identification of the abnormal expression process of pancreatic cancer cells…expectation of new treatment strategies

Entered 2024.01.14 18:45 Views 281 Entered 2024.01.14 18:45 Modified 2024.01.15 00:50 Views 281

Recently, a research team at Ajou University School of Medicine identified for the first time the principles and processes by which basal-type pancreatic cancer occurs. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]Currently, pancreatic cancer is classified into two types (subtypes): ‘classical’ and ‘basal-like’. The basic type of pancreatic cancer also has a low cure rate, but the basal type is especially considered ‘malignant’. This is because the patient’s mortality rate is significantly high due to high resistance to treatment.

Recently, a research team at Ajou University School of Medicine identified for the first time the principles and processes by which basal-type pancreatic cancer occurs. According to this, basic type pancreatic cancer creates a specific environment at the cell level and rarely develops into basal type.

The research team discovered that the expression of ‘TAp63’, one of the gene proteins that induce tumor formation, was increased in basal-type pancreatic cancer. TAp63 is the same type as ‘TP63’, a gene frequently found in highly metastatic, aggressive pancreatic cancer. The tumor protein called ‘P63’ produced by this gene suppresses the autoimmune function of cells and prevents our body from killing cancer cells.

Furthermore, the pathway that signals cancer cells to express TAp63 was also identified. It was through a signaling pathway called ‘NF-κB’. In particular, at this time, the signal sent by the tumor cells attacked ‘macrophages’, one of the main immune cells, through several pathways. This signal acts around the macrophages, causing hypoxia and strengthening the inflammatory response, creating an environment for TAp63 protein to infiltrate (express) within the macrophages.

In other words, it neutralizes macrophages, which play the role of eating harmful substances that infiltrate or occur in the body (autophagy immune function). Therefore, basal-type pancreatic cancer is less resistant to treatment than the basic-type pancreatic cancer and has a higher metastatic potential.

Professor Lee Da-geun of the Department of Pathology at Ajou University School of Medicine said, “Contrary to existing expectations, stimulation (extracellular stimulation) originating from cancer cells, not the patient’s cells, determined the molecular subtype of the tumor cells.” He added, “The cellular environment surrounding the tumor cells and their interactions “The importance of the tumor microenvironment has been proven once once more,” he said.

Professor Yuseon Kim of the Department of Biochemistry at the same university said, “I hope that the new strategy targeting the process identified this time (macrophage infiltration → tumor necrosis factor → TAp63 expression → formation of basal-type pancreatic cancer) will contribute to treatment.”

The paper was published in the online edition of Clinical and Translational Medicine, an SCI-level international academic journal. The full text is The following link (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ctm2.1520)You can check it here.

Meanwhile, this research was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea’s Outstanding Younger Support Project, Creative Challenge Support Project, Mid-career Researcher Support Project, and Basic Research Laboratory (BRL) Support Project.

Reporter Choi Ji-hyeon


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