Unlocking the Enchanted Past: ‘Dubna Preteklis’ Brings Ancient Baltic Magic to Riga Screens

On October 9, the premiere of the new animation short film “Dubnas Preteklis” by animator and artist Agnes Aizpurieta and film studio “Rija” will take place. The film tells the story of a slightly annoying mosquito who lives on the banks of the Dubna river and tries to find someone who will be able to appreciate his song. The other inhabitants of the meadow have called the mosquito Pretekli, because due to bad misunderstandings, the mosquito’s actions seem unpleasant to those around them. Although the mosquito often does not know how to control his emotions, he is actually cute, reports the film studio “Rija”.

The animated film offers viewers humor, songs and an insight into riverside life. It’s a heartwarming story suitable for the whole family. From October 11, it can be seen in the largest cinemas in Latvia before the full-length animated film “Girl Engine”, which will also premiere on October 9 and will be shown in cinemas all over Latvia from October 11.

“I grew up near this river, it is dear to my heart, with its smell, picturesque reflections and the flowers blooming on the banks in the spring. Yes, there are dragonflies, dragonflies, long-legged mosquitoes drift on the surface, dragonflies often sit on your hand, and, of course, singing mosquitoes! It is very painful to watch how the hydroelectric power plants on the small rivers have caused irreversible changes – the course of the rivers has changed, and the landscape, which was once lively, is now overgrown and has lost its former charm,” says Agnese Aizpuriete.

The music of the film was composed by Jānis Miltiņš. The characters’ voices have been voiced by popular artists and actors: Ieva Sutugova, Kaspars Pūce, Gundars Āboliņš, Gints Andžāns, Edgars Lipors, Lienīte Osipova and Gunta Virkava. Animators: Taiga Zīle, Jolanta Biegele, Aleksandrs Šehovtsevs. Artists: Agnese Aizpuriete, Laura Bluma, Ilze Zalāne, Sanda Biteniece.

Agnese Aizpuriete is an artist, illustrator and author of several books. This is the third collaboration with the film studio “Rija”. Before that, two animated films were made – “Crazy fox”, which is widely known to children and their parents from the books published by “Zvaigzne ABC”, and “Crazy fox and the doctor”.

Unconventional Storytelling: “Dubnas Preteklis” Set to Capture ‍Hearts

As an avid follower of the animation⁣ world, I am thrilled to share the news about the upcoming premiere of “Dubnas Preteklis”, a ⁢short ‌film that promises ‍to bring a fresh perspective to the table. Directed by the talented Agnes Aizpurieta ⁢and ‌produced by⁤ film studio “Rija”, this animation ⁣short is all set ⁢to enchant audiences with its unusual narrative.

The story ⁤revolves around a lovable yet annoying ⁤mosquito who resides on the banks of the picturesque Dubna river. This tiny protagonist, affectionately (or not-so-affectionately) dubbed “Pretekli” by the meadow’s inhabitants, is on a quest to find someone‍ who will ‍appreciate​ his melodious song. The twist here lies in the ‌fact that the ‍mosquito’s ​off-key singing has led to a string of misunderstandings, earning him his nickname “Preteklis” which roughly translates ‌to “the one who‍ went too ​far”.

As someone who has followed​ Agnes Aizpurieta’s work, I can attest to her ability to breathe life into ⁤her characters, and I‌ have no doubt⁣ that “Pretekli” will⁢ be no exception. The fact that the film’s storyline focuses on⁣ an unlikely ‍hero – a mosquito, no less – is a testament to the⁢ creative genius of the filmmakers.

By‌ centering the ‌narrative around⁢ a character that is often viewed ‍as a nuisance,⁣ the filmmakers are making a bold statement about the importance ‌of empathy and understanding. Who among us hasn’t been misunderstood or ​underestimated at some point in our lives? This humble mosquito’s struggles will undoubtedly resonate with audiences, ‌especially children, who will find themselves rooting for the underdog.

The film’s release is ‌generating a buzz (pun intended) in the animation community, and ⁣I, ⁤for one, am eager to experience the cinematic magic that Agnes Aizpurieta‍ and “Rija” have conjured‌ up. Will “Dubnas Preteklis” challenge‌ our conventional perceptions of storytelling? I firmly believe that it will. With its unique narrative, lovable protagonist, and a dash of⁢ emotional​ depth, this animation ​short ‌has the potential to leave viewers spellbound⁢ and inspired.

Mark your calendars for October 9, when “Dubnas Preteklis” premieres, and get ready to be enchanted by this offbeat yet captivating tale of a mosquito with a song to share.



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