Unlocking Resilience: The Unyielding Spirit of Lara Kazàn in the Face of Unrelenting Muscle Degeneration

“My life was extremely controlled by the attacks,” she continues. “I couldn’t go shopping, pick up the kids or take them to school. I found it very scary to take a bath, because if I had a seizure while holding it, my child would drown. We decided to take help at home. In the beginning that was really 100 percent necessary, because I still had no control over the disease.”

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Kian, Kazàn’s husband, therefore investigates himself. Eventually he ends up in America. A doctor in New York thinks he knows what it is. “Hypocalemic Periodic Paralysis, a rare muscular disease. 1 in 150,000 people suffer from this,” says Lara Kazàn. “The hospital in Málaga was able to confirm that it was indeed this disease,” her father adds. “We were all very happy when Kian finally found a solution after a very long search.”

The Dutch translation of the condition is hypokalemic periodic paralysis. During an attack, the potassium level in the blood suddenly drops. Potassium, an essential mineral, is of great importance for the conduction of nerve impulses and the correct functioning of the muscles. Because muscle cells are full of potassium, a deficiency of this mineral can temporarily paralyze the muscles. And that is exactly what happens to Kazàn during an attack.


Now, four years later, she has her disease largely under control, although she will never recover from it. “I now live almost without attacks, because I feel them coming forty minutes in advance and immediately take potassium,” she continues. “As a result, I can live a completely normal life again and do everything, such as sports, driving a car and taking care of the children. It feels like I have my life back.”

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It is a very rare disease, so it is important for Kazàn that more attention is paid to it, also because this can prevent worse. “If your muscles keep paralyzing and recovering, they simply give up after years. Attention to this is extremely important, perhaps I can help someone who would otherwise face life in a wheelchair. It’s not about medications, but about replenishing potassium to restore balance.”

Kazàn was lucky that it was discovered in time. “As a result, I now lead a very nice life without seizures and I don’t have to worry about muscle problems or a wheelchair.”


Father Hans is extremely grateful to his son-in-law Kian for his perseverance in finding out exactly what Lara’s illness was. “He never gave up searching,” he begins. “Even though everyone said they didn’t know, he kept going day and night until he found the right person to put them on the right track. Without his perseverance and the strength of Lara herself, they would never have found this solution. Both have played a huge role in achieving this outcome, and that certainly deserves recognition.”

Father and daughter think it is important that everyone who recognizes these symptoms finds out what they are. Lara Kazàn: “A diagnosis can give you your life back.”

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