Unlocking Joy: Cultivating Healthy Habits and Attitudes for Lasting Happiness

2023-08-01 05:00:25
Joy can be found, beyond the external, in personal habits and attitudes (Getty)

This Tuesday, August 1, is the World Day of Joy, a day promoted since 2010 to claim the importance of this emotion in people’s lives and health.

The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) defines joy as a “pleasant and lively feeling that usually manifests itself with external signs”. In any case, beyond what is externalized, there are also multiple manifestations in the human body that, it can be said, are essential for happiness to be concrete.

It is that there are four key hormones that actively influence our mood: dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphin. However, recently, a fifth substance was added, anandamide. They produce what is known as the chemistry of happiness, which has a highly beneficial impact on our body, improving self-esteem, reducing stress and acting as a behavior reinforcer, as well as promoting emotional well-being.

In order to take advantage of these benefits, it is essential that the aforementioned hormones are released into the bloodstream. How to do it? Joy is trained: first of all, it is necessary to cultivate and maintain healthy habits.

Happiness hormones promote well-being and reduce stress, among other benefits (Getty)

In this sense, physical activity is one of the fundamental pillars to achieve joy. Scientific evidence indicates that people who exercise on a sustained basis release hormones that generate happiness. Meanwhile, other habits can help, according to doctors Verónica Bramajo (MN 97448) and María Mercedes López (MN 97453), coordinators of the medical clinic at DIM CENTROS DE SALUD, such as eating a healthy and varied diet, being close to loved ones and prioritize plans that give us pleasure and tranquility. Here, a review:

Know yourself. We must know what makes us happy, since only in this way can we carry out activities that are pleasurable to us. To do this, we must evaluate what aspects have given us joy in recent times and take action to repeat them.

Be positive. Many times we experience negative feelings that only generate a bad mood. You have to break this vicious circle by thinking positively and working on optimism to see the good side of existence.

Train self-esteem. “I love myself, I have the right to be happy and laugh many times, even at things that are not so happy”, is a phrase that should be carried as a banner. Humor is useful for channeling negativity. When we feel good regarding ourselves, we are more likely to be happy people, we can accept criticism and work on it from a positive perspective and growth.

Sport is one of the main habits for the secretion of happiness hormones (Getty)

Work assertiveness. In order to be happy we have to defend our rights and manage the resolution of conflicts. Life is not always happy and, on many occasions, problems will arise that we must be prepared to face.

Being empathetic with others and knowing how to ask for help. In order to enjoy joy we must be empathetic and enjoy the happiness of those around us. On the other hand, if we are not able to train joy, we must ask professionals for help.

For her part, Dr. Laura Maffei, an endocrinologist, stress specialist and director of Maffei Medical Center, had provided details on happiness hormones in dialogue with Infobae. “In recent years, much has been said regarding the ‘Happiness Quartet’, a set of hormones important in our mood: serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and endorphins. This term has become popular due to the positive influence they have on our emotional well-being. Each one of them plays an important role and, together, they contribute to generating a feeling of happiness and well-being. These hormones are neurotransmitters that are produced in different parts of the body and have specific effects on the brain,” she explained.

Social connection and closeness with loved ones bring us joy (Getty)

“Serotonin, for example -continued Maffei- is produced in the intestine and in the central nervous system and is involved in the regulation of mood, sleep and appetite. Dopamine, for its part, is produced in different areas of the brain and is related to motivation, reward and addiction. Oxytocin is produced in the hypothalamus and released during moments of closeness and social connection, while endorphins are produced in the nervous system and act as natural pain relievers.

For his part, Dr. Alejandro Andersson, neurologist and medical director of the Buenos Aires Institute of Neurology (INBA), had explained to Infobae that there was a fifth hormone of happiness and included anandamide: “It is a neurotransmitter that belongs to the endocannabinoid family. It is related to the regulation of mood, memory, appetite and the feeling of well-being. “Anandamide is believed to play a role in promoting feelings of happiness, relaxation, and euphoria. It is a chemical naturally produced by the body that binds to the same receptors as the active compounds found in the cannabis plant,” he added.

There are several ways to increase anandamide naturally, according to Andersson. One of them is aerobic exercise, such as running or cardiovascular exercise, which has been shown to increase levels of this hormone in the brain. “Running not only increases endorphins but also increases anandamide and therefore gives the state of pleasure,” said the neurologist.

Another way to promote joy hormones is to caress our pets (Getty)

Beyond anandamide, which in recent times was included as another happiness hormone, the classic “quartet” of joy at the blood level is made up of the already described dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins. Here is a review of each of them:

Dopamine is related to motivation and the reward system. That’s why it makes us competitive, defend ourselves once morest danger and helps us achieve goals. Also, our brain releases dopamine when we encounter a reward unexpectedly. In summary, the main functions of this hormone are to increase heart rate and pressure, regulate attention, sleep, and motor activity.

Oxytocin, also known as “the love hormone”, allows us to create bonds with other people, making us capable of feeling affection and empathy. The effects of this substance can be seen in lowering blood pressure and heart rate, improving healing, reducing muscle tension and increasing the pain threshold. Being close to other people with whom there is a bond increases oxytocin levels and this generates greater trust, causing them to take more risks in the relationship. Other ways to increase it naturally is through petting pets or hugging.

Healthy eating is an essential pillar for joy (Getty)

The hormone responsible for finding emotional balance is serotonin, which also controls body temperature and appetite. In order to produce this hormone of happiness, a substance called tryptophan is necessary. This is obtained through foods such as pasta, rice or cereals, among others. However, it can also be produced by regular exercise or relaxation techniques.

Meanwhile, endorphins are chemical substances that are even considered to have a more powerful action than an analgesic. These are small proteins that have a chemical structure very similar to morphine, but in this case they occur naturally. They are released in areas of the brain that are at the center of pain. In addition, it usually appears when we exercise (for example, in the feeling of energy and enthusiasm that is experienced when finishing a marathon); when we are excited and expectant; or when we eat spicy or pure chocolate.

Having a high level of endorphins is beneficial because they can inhibit pain and also enhance social bonding. On the other hand, the absence or deficiency of this chemical substance of happiness can produce states of depression or emotional imbalance.

Keep reading:

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