Unlocking Holistic Health: The Key to a Happy and Productive Life

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Monday, 28 October 2024 – 00:47 WIB

Jakarta Health is a valuable asset that is often overlooked in daily routines. Not a few people only realize the importance of health when they begin to feel a decline in physical and mental function.

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In reality, health needs to be seen as a holistic condition that includes physical, mental, spiritual and social aspects, so that individuals can live productive lives both socially and economically.

“Holistic health is not just freedom from disease, but includes a balance between various aspects of life that allows a person to function optimally,” said Nayshila Nurvalizha Fadly, a health observer. He added that this balance is important to achieve overall well-being.

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Physical health, for example, reflects the condition of a body that is fit and functioning optimally. Regular physical activity, such as jogging, swimming or yoga, is considered to increase stamina, muscle strength and heart function.

“Regular exercise helps maintain ideal body weight and reduces the risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension,” explained Nayshila.

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Apart from physical, mental health is also an important focus. In mental health, various factors, including trauma or interpersonal problems, can impact psychological well-being. For this reason, stress management is needed, including through meditation, relaxation techniques, or talking with friends. “A balance between work, personal life and rest time is very important to maintain a healthy mental condition,” he added.

Social health aspects play a role in determining a person’s quality of life. Positive relationships with family, friends, or community can improve emotional well-being and reduce feelings of loneliness. “Strong social support can prolong life and increase quality of life,” said Nayshila.

Not only that, a clean and safe environment also directly affects health. Air pollution and polluted water, for example, can cause various health problems.

Therefore, maintaining the cleanliness of the surrounding environment and supporting policies that create a healthy environment is a shared responsibility.

Good health is also supported by balanced nutritional intake and adequate sleep patterns. Nutrition plays a role in strengthening the immune system, while adequate sleep prevents various health problems, including decreased endurance.

Overall, health is a long-term investment for a quality life. Through a healthy lifestyle, getting enough sleep, and maintaining social and environmental relationships, every individual can achieve optimal well-being. “Health is an investment in our future. By maintaining physical, mental and social balance, we can achieve a happier and more productive life,” concluded Nayshila.

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Social health aspects play a role in determining a person’s quality of life. Positive relationships with family, friends, or community can improve emotional well-being and reduce feelings of loneliness. “Strong social support can prolong life and increase quality of life,” said Nayshila.

Health: The Deserved Overlook

Jakarta, 28 October 2024 – You’ll hear it said that health is wealth, but let’s be honest: most of us only recognize the richness of our health when we’re downing paracetamol like it’s the new vitamin, or when every joint in our body starts auditioning for a Michael Flatley routine.

Now, don’t get me wrong, but when did we all collectively decide health was an optional extra in our busy schedules? It’s about time we treat our well-being—not just our WiFi connection or our collection of questionable footwear—as a priority! Health needs to be seen as a holistic condition. And by holistic, I mean balancing everything from your physical ability to sip that overpriced green juice without gagging, to ensuring your mental faculties are sharp enough to function on a Tuesday morning after binge-watching the latest Netflix series till dawn.

Diving Deep into Health’s Pool

We have Nayshila Nurvalizha Fadly, our health observer-in-residence, saying that “holistic health is not just freedom from disease.” No, it’s a sprawling, multi-tiered theme park of life, where roller coasters represent emotional ups and downs, and maybe—the occasional haunted house, because let’s face it—everyone has that one friend! This balance she speaks of? It’s nearly as crucial as finding the perfect angle for your selfie.

Take physical health. It’s all about that ‘fit’ bod that looks good and functions even better. Regular exercises like jogging or swimming help us feel less like couch potatoes and more like—well, moderately functional humans. And guess what? They even improve stamina, muscle strength, and heart function! It’s like discovering the cheat codes to life, minus the weird pop-up ads.

But hold your horses—let’s not forget our mental health. Newsflash! Trauma and interpersonal drama are like unwelcome guests at a party. Stress management techniques like meditation or relaxing with friends—it’s not just a self-care cliché; it’s essential. Because nothing screams ‘healthy adult’ quite like knowing how to unwind after a long day’s work, preferably without the help of a bottle of Merlot.

Social Dynamics: The Unsung Hero of Health

On to social health! Having a quality crew of family and friends can boost your emotional well-being faster than you can say “Netflix and chill.” Seriously, you want that strong social support system—it’s like having an insurance policy against those occasional existential crises. Strong friendships can elongate your lifespan—no pressure though, right? Just remember to treat your best mate to lunch every now and again; it’s the least you can do for a life-extending connection!

The Environment: Your Unseen Partner in Crime

But wait! It’s not just about you and your buddies—your environmental factors need attention too. Air pollution and dirty water aren’t just bad for your lungs; they’re the ultimate party poopers for your overall health! Maintaining a clean and safe environment is a shared responsibility. It’s the adulting version of “clean your room, or no dessert!” That’s right, take the hint!

Nutrition and Sleep: The Dynamic Duo

And let’s get real about nutrition and sleep. You think you can live off last night’s pizza? Think again! Balanced nutrition is your immune system’s BFF, while adequate sleep prevents you from resembling a zombie fresh out of a horror flick—unless that’s the look you’re going for. Proper rest gives you the strength to fight off those pesky health issues and keeps that stamina up.

A Bright Investment in Your Future

So, here’s the takeaway: health isn’t just an abstract concept to ponder during a yoga class. It’s an investment—you know, like that time you spent way too much on a vintage vinyl that looks great but doesn’t play? Invest in yourself with a lifestyle choice that encompasses exercise, good nutrition, mental stability, and a hint of socialization.

In conclusion, let’s not frantic-text our doctors at the first sign of a sniffle or wait until our daily rituals resemble a sad episode of Hoarders. Embrace a holistic approach: balance your life, exercise with glee, eat fruits that aren’t just for decoration, and hang out with people who lift you up—not just your mood but your overall quality of life. Here’s to happier, healthier futures—preferably without touching any kale! Cheers!

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