Unlocking Ancient Wisdom: John the Theologian’s guidance for October 9th

Day of the Repose of John the Theologian. The patron of artists, scribes and icon painters inspired some people to create their own works. On this day, matchmaking and bridesmaids were held. On the same day, home gatherings with tea drinking were appropriate. Folk signs for today, October 9, created a special aura around the holiday.

October 9: national holiday

John the Theologian was given praise and honor. Believers gathered and prayed in churches. By the way, on October 9, some of our ancestors worked only until lunch. They believed that this would help avoid unnecessary troubles.

Bridesmaids and communication between relatives of the future bride and groom are also part of the traditions that gave rise to folk signs for today, October 9. Autumn is generally good for such events, and even more so in the second month. A curious tradition existed in the villages of central and southern Russia: if a girl was not interested in the groom, he could have a pumpkin taken out of the house.

It is better not to eat garlic on this day. Photo: Freepik

What not to do on October 9, 2024

  • Get married (it’s too early)
  • There are onions and garlic
  • Wear old shoes (folk signs for today, October 9, prescribe wearing new ones)
  • Cursing and behaving indecently.

Read also:

Orthodox holidays in October 2024 – church calendar: history and traditions

What you can do on October 9, 2024

  • Pray to John the Evangelist
  • Make wishes related to family life
  • Set tables for guests
  • Read books.

Folk signs for today, October 9, 2024

  • It is raining on this day, which means this weather will last for a long time.
  • Snow falls – winter will begin on November 21 (Michael’s Day).
  • The leaf falls upside down – towards the harvest.
  • The sun sets on a whitish cloud – bad weather.
  • Red clouds at sunset – towards the wind.
  • I had a long dream – it could be prophetic.

Previously, we wrote about what historical events took place on October 9 and how this date was remembered.

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