Unlock Your Hips: Yoga Exercises to Release Emotions and Relieve Pain

2023-06-27 08:03:00

The ancient tradition of yoga considers that mind, body and emotions are deeply interrelatedthat is, what affects one of these aspects of the human being is reflected in the others.

Today, neuroscience supports this idea through numerous investigations. Therefore, one of the keys to well-being is cultivate positive thoughts and elevated emotions (love, joy, gratitude, etc.), in addition to eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly.

Las hip pain and injury (blockages, clamping, bursitis…) are becoming more frequent, even in young people, and can affect quality of life. Suffer hip pain It can prevent us from resting at night and even make everyday tasks like walking or getting up from a chair difficult.

Although these problems involve factors such as some sedentary habits or poor posture hygienethe, the emotional dimension It provides a broader approach that is well worth taking into account and that we can also work with certain exercises or yoga postures.

What emotion is related to the hip?

The hip is the joint in our body that supports the most weight and allows us to move and walk. From the emotional perspective, the hip is closely related to the fear.

Thus, the body’s natural response when we feel threatened is to bring the knees closer to the chest to protect ourselves in the fetal position.

Fear as a basic attitude translates into micro-movements that we perform many times a day and that generate a persistent hip compression. Over time, these reactions of the body affect the mobility and tension of the joint, with symptoms such as a shooting pain on one or both sides of the joint.

We can interpret this annoyance from an emotional point of view:

Fear: The hip allows the legs to move forward. Pain may indicate certain indecision to move forward in life.Rigidity: The lack of flexibility in the hips can also warn us of a excessive rigidity in our relationships, attitudesideas, decisions…attachment to the past: If the discomfort is located in the lower part of the back and the buttocks, it is worth considering whether there is something from the past that we do not let go.Unsafety: The lock in the hips is related to the inability to open up and, most importantly, to love each other completely.

Hip exercises that release blocked emotions

If any of these physical or emotional traits are reflected in your hips, the yoga postures that I propose below will help you to relieve discomfort and increase your flexibility and mobility. You can include them in your exercise routine on an alternate basis or run the entire sequence three or four times a week.

#flexible #eliminate #emotional #blockages #relieve #pain

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