Unlock Your Fitness Age: The Ultimate Guide to Maintaining Health Through Sports and Exercise

2024-04-07 12:34:04

Researchers and specialists offer several ways to maintain health, but the bet on sports seems big, as it combines multiple methods into one effective way to keep the human body more energetic.

Maintaining good physical fitness can give effective results in slowing down various cases of deterioration in health, according to the newspaper Wall Street Journal American.

In the opinion of specialists, the speed at which you can run a mile, as well as the number of push-ups and endurance exercises that you can do, are not only useful in order to brag regarding your high physical fitness, but rather they carry indicators of the extent of your aging.

The newspaper, citing academics and specialists, points out the importance of diet, adequate continuous sleep, and maintaining social ties in activating and measuring physical fitness.

Studies link a person’s ability to exercise to his current and future years of life, which some researchers and specialists have called the “fitness age,” noting that measuring a person’s cardiovascular fitness, strength and balance, and his ability to endure exercise can estimate the extent of his aging. .

Researchers point out that maximum oxygen consumption will decrease by approximately 10 percent every decade during early adulthood, and up to 15 percent every decade following the age of fifty.

In contrast, studies indicate that if you do the right type of cardio throughout your life, it is possible to have the physique of a 35-year-old when you are 80.

According to the newspaper, a study conducted in 2018 and published in the medical journal “JAMA” found that “moving from bad to good cardiovascular fitness leads to more benefits than moving from good to good, in performance and exercise.”

“The most complete assessment of how aging your body is also takes into account strength, muscular endurance and balance,” says Michael Crandall, an exercise specialist in New York City.

“We can perform many fitness measures at home or at the gym with little to no equipment,” Crandall added.

Crandall presents a number of tests and exercises that he believes are useful in the matter of physical fitness, most notably running for 12 minutes or walking for one mile, a choice he calls aerobic capacity.

Researchers link this exercise to measuring oxygen consumption, and they say, “The most accurate way to measure it occurs while wearing a mask that covers the mouth and nose, then walking or running on a treadmill.”

But specialists have warned that this test is intended only for healthy and active people, and that it may not give the required results in people other than these groups.

As for people who suffer from joint pain when running, researchers recommend another test, which requires participants to walk a mile at the fastest possible speed while wearing a heart rate monitor, according to the newspaper.

The second choice relates to muscular endurance, which allows you to go for a long walk, or carry your bag up the stairs without feeling exhausted.

Doctors and specialists in the field of physical sports point out that “muscular endurance decreases with age, just like muscle mass and strength.”

The third exercise is related to the ability to move and stabilize, such as sitting on the ground on your knees and then getting up without having to raise your hands. Researchers believe that performing this movement with confidence is the key to quality of life in the later decades of life.

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