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Home > Health advice > Acne in women: some natural solutions

Dr Paul Dupont

written on September 18, 2024 at 1:07 p.m. Acne in adult women: natural solutions Article published in newspaper nº 127

Even today, acne in women is treated as a secondary treatment by the disastrous Diane 35 to which many deaths from thrombosis are attributed, or by Androcur whose deleterious effects on the liver and the brain are well known. More than ever, alternative solutions are to be favored.

Female acne, as we will call it here, has long been treated in conventional medicine with the Diane 35 pill. But given the risk of death from thrombosis, the molecule was banned in February 2013. Against all expectations, some Months later, Diane 35 was rehabilitated by the European Commission, and since then it has remained offered as a second-line treatment. Another adjunctive treatment, Androcur, whose deleterious hepatic effects are known and which has been in the hot seat since 2024 for the risks of brain tumor (meningioma) that this treatment could cause.

A hormonal imbalance

It is the imbalance of two endocrine glands that causes acne: the adrenals or the ovaries.

• In the case of the adrenals

This is an adrenal androgenetic block, marked by excess secretion of androgens.

It is this same hormonal block which can disrupt the menstrual cycle, ovulation, and later cause hair loss such as androgenic alopecia: loss of hair at the temples and vertex (top of the skull).

• In the case of the ovaries

This is a disruption of ovulation with hormonal insufficiency and pituitary overreaction. In other words, the ovaries are weak and ovulation is difficult.

At the same time, the pituitary gland tends to increase its secretions; this is what explains…

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#Acne #women #natural #solutions

Research ‌paper on acne ⁢PDF

Analysis of the ⁣Article: Acne in ⁤Women: Natural ⁢Solutions

Recently, I‌ came across an article discussing ⁤the need for ‍alternative solutions‍ in treating acne ⁣in women, given the risks associated with conventional treatments. The article highlights the imbalance of two endocrine glands, the adrenals and the ovaries, as the primary‌ cause of acne. ⁤This imbalance⁣ can disrupt the ⁤menstrual ​cycle, ovulation, and lead to other issues such as androgenic alopecia.

Conventional treatments, such‌ as Diane 35 and Androcur, have been associated ‍with‌ several health risks,⁢ including death from thrombosis and brain tumors.‍ It is alarming that despite these risks, these‌ treatments are still being offered as⁤ second-line options. ‍This ‌emphasizes the need for safer, natural ⁤solutions for ⁣acne.

Fortunately, numerous natural remedies‌ have been found to be effective in reducing acne inflammation and breakouts. ‍According to various sources, ⁣some natural treatments​ that may be helpful in reducing acne include:

Tea tree‌ oil, which has been shown to be⁤ effective in reducing acne inflammation [[3]]

Aloe⁤ vera, green​ tea, honey, apple⁤ cider vinegar, and turmeric have‌ been reported to‌ have beneficial effects on acne [[2]]

* Simple home remedies such as grape cleanser, cucumber​ facemask, and yeast ⁣and ⁢yogurt ⁣mask for‍ oily skin can also be effective [[1]]

Moreover, the article highlights the importance‌ of addressing the underlying hormonal imbalance ⁣that causes acne. In the case of the adrenals, this involves an adrenal androgenetic ⁣block, marked by excess secretion of androgens. For⁤ the ovaries, ‍it is a‌ disruption of ⁢ovulation with hormonal⁣ insufficiency and pituitary overreaction.

it is clear that severe‌ risks are associated‍ with ​conventional treatments⁣ for⁣ acne in women. Given this, it is crucial that we ⁢prioritize natural solutions to address the ⁣hormonal⁤ imbalance and reduce acne inflammation and ​breakouts. With further‌ research and understanding of the natural remedies available, ⁤we can​ move towards safer and more effective treatments for acne.


[1] Everyday Health. (n.d.). 7 ⁣Soothing Home⁤ Remedies for Acne. https://www.everydayhealth.com/skin-and-beauty/home-remedies-for-acne.aspx

[2] ‍Cleveland Clinic. (2024, January 30). Home Remedies for Acne: Do They Work? https://health.clevelandclinic.org/home-remedies-for-acne

[3] Mayo Clinic News Network. (2019, January 9). Home Remedies: All about ‍acne. https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/home-remedies-all-about-acne/



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