Unknown people stole tons of grapes from Viennese vineyards

2023-09-23 12:34:52

In Vienna-Döbling, unknown perpetrators stole thousands of kilograms of grapes. The Vienna State Police Directorate confirmed corresponding media reports to the APA on Saturday – the “district newspaper” and then also the “Standard” (Saturday edition) had prominently reported on the curious case. As police spokesman Philipp Haßlinger explained, two wineries are likely to be affected: “In both cases, many hundreds of kilograms of grapes are gone.”

According to Haßlinger, there is currently no concrete evidence of the perpetrators. The Döbling city police command has taken over the investigation. There is currently no financial quantifiable amount of damage. In the Cobenzl winery, which has belonged to the city of Vienna for 110 years, no less than 4,500 kilograms are said to have been secretly harvested – probably at night – and taken away from an area of ​​half a hectare. 400 to 500 kilograms were stolen from a private winemaker, and the person concerned assumed that it was part of a larger gang, as he described to the “Standard”: “This is not snacking, this is a commercial approach.” The plundered vines were only noticed when the harvest was about to begin.

The police appealed to nighttime walkers to report any thieves who are attacking other people’s grapes on a large scale. The executive branch itself wants to strengthen its controls – there are already regular patrols in the vineyards.

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