Unknown man harasses boy on his way to school – police in Fulda investigate

  1. Fuldaer Zeitung
  2. Fulda
A boy is said to have been harassed by an unknown man on his way to school in Fulda. (Symbolic photo) © Patrick Pleul/dpa

A boy is said to have been approached and harassed by an unknown man on his way to school in Fulda on Thursday morning. Reports of this are circulating in various messenger groups. The police are investigating.

Eichenzell – As the police announced in a press release, according to current information, a boy was approached by an unknown man in the area of ​​Van Galen Street in Fulda. The man tried to hold a cloth in front of the boy’s face.

Unknown man harasses boy on his way to school – police in Fulda investigate

The whole thing happened on Thursday morning (September 19) at around 7:30 a.m. Reports of this are now circulating in various messenger groups. The child then ran away in the direction of Goerdelerstrasse. The man is said to have turned left at the intersection of Goerdelerstrasse and Von-Galen-Strasse.

At school, the boy reported the incident to his teachers, who immediately informed the police. The boy, who is currently uninjured, was nevertheless taken to hospital for a check-up. The police immediately launched a manhunt for the unknown man, but so far there has been no success.

Police appeal

It is absolutely right that parents and guardians should talk to their children about the most important rules of conduct – including on the way to and from school. However, the East Hesse Police would like to point out that the many conversations with children in schools – especially at the start of the school year -, with parents, but also with each other, have made the children highly sensitive and, in some cases, unsettled.

The East Hesse police are therefore appealing to you: react prudently in suspicious situations. Please contact the local police station or call the emergency number in urgent emergencies and do not distribute photos of strangers, vehicles or license plates on your own, without checking them and without filtering them. This can have devastating consequences for innocent people.

The East Hesse police take reports from concerned citizens very seriously and are sensitized to this issue. Parents who would like to find out more about the topic of “approaching children” in general are welcome to contact the Prevention Department of the East Hesse Police Headquarters with their questions by calling (0661) 105-0 or by emailing praevention.ppoh@polizei.hessen.de turn around.

The investigators are currently verifying the information and are meticulously following up on all findings, the press release states. The exact circumstances and background of the incident are not yet known and are part of the ongoing investigation.

The boy, whose age was not published for privacy reasons, describes the man as follows: Between 20 and 25 years old, about 1.75 meters tall, bald and of thin build. He was wearing a black jacket, black pants and black shoes. His face was hidden behind a black cloth and a black mask.

The police are asking citizens to report any incidents in the area. The East Hesse Police Headquarters can be reached by phone at (0661) 1050.

A similar case occurred in the summer in the Main-Kinzig district, when an eight-year-old boy was approached by a stranger on his way to school and asked if he wanted some gummy bears.



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