University of Alicante Welcomes Students of the Faculty of Health Sciences: Medicine, Nursing, and Dietetics

2023-09-07 18:09:49

The rector receives the students of the Faculty of Health SciencesAlex Dominguez


He medicine degree in the University of Alicante (UA) warm up engines. The Alicante campus has received this Thursday some of the students who will be part of the first promotion that will come out following the return of this degree. The UA held a day to welcome the students of the different degrees of the Faculty of Health Sciences They will start the new course from next Monday. Nursing, Dietetics… and, of course, Medicine.


Nearly 400 students they were quoted this morning in the Classroom II from the UA to receive useful information regarding what this new university phase will be like. Throughout this week, similar events are taking place in each of the different faculties, but this Thursday had more than symbolic content. Among the new students who attended these talks were the future students of the first promotion following the return of Medicine to the UA.

The rector of the University, Amparo Navarro, was in charge of welcoming these students, when it is usually the deans who are in charge of this reception in the run-up to the beginning of the course. In the speeches to the students, those responsible for the University conveyed to the students their commitment to convert the new degree into one of the best in the country. A class of cell biology It will be the one that marks the return of Medicine to the University of Alicante next Monday, September 11, the new course, which has a total of 86 students enrolled for the first course.

“We said yesterday…”, the rector began, paraphrasing Fray Luis de Leon during his speech in the Lecture Hall II assembly hall to welcome the students. Navarro conveyed to them the commitment of the University that the studies now resumed reach the best levels of excellence among Spanish universities, underlining the prestige of the UA.

“We had Medicine studies more than twenty years ago and we stopped having them for reasons that are now irrelevant”, pointed out the dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Jose Antonio Hurtadowithout wanting to come into conflict with the Miguel Hernandez University of Elche on account of the new degree and emphasizing that this will be the XVI Promotion of Medicine of the University of Alicante.

Hurtado, stressed during his speech that the Nursing studies of the University of Alicante, dependent on said faculty, are among the best in Spain, while those of dietetics are not in it because there is still no ranking, but they are also among the most valued of all country. “We hope that Medicine is in the ranking among the best in Spain, as is already the case with these other two degrees.” For Hurtado, this morning’s act also had its symbolic charge, given that, since his term is regarding to end and from next week the process for the election of the new government team of this faculty will be launched.

Amparo Navarro conveyed to this newspaper her satisfaction with the progress of this act. “He is a very emotional day and very important for the city of Alicante because the fact that we can teach the degree in Medicine is finally normalized, which was a very important commitment of the UA for several years”. The rector stressed that “We have human and material resources to deliver it” and he did not want to forget the other degrees of the Faculty of Health Sciences, for them too “it is a particularly important day”. As in the rest of the faculties, “receiving new generations who are going to live with us a personal stage , academic and professional that will mark their lives is a day of great joy”.

The rector stressed that the infrastructures are going well for the course that begins next week. The students will be in the Aulario I where all the clinical simulation classrooms are, and that they will share with the Nursing students. The subjects will be taught by full professors and professors of the Faculties of Sciences and Health Sciences. While a good part of the practices, which have to be completed in the first two years of the degree, will be carried out in the laboratories of the Faculty of Sciences, together with those used for Biology; as well as in the Health Sciences practical laboratories that are also shared with the Nursing degree. “At the same time, in the old Hall of Residencewhere we will also work to increase its departmental capacity, is currently being built the Human Anatomy classroomwhich will serve Medicine degrees, but also Nursing and Criminology”, said Navarro. Anatomy will have to start being taught in the second semester, so Navarro considers that it will be in conditions by those dates.

other faculties

Throughout this week various events are taking place to welcome the new students. The first to be received were those of the Science Faculty on Wednesday. During this act, the Dean of Sciences, Maria Magdalena Garcia Irles, welcomed the new students and introduced them to the dean’s team, and then provided information on different aspects of studies and university life. After the presentation, the students went, together with the degree coordinators and PAT tutors of each degree, to the classrooms set up for this purpose to receive specific information on the degree and the PAT Tutorial Action Program. In addition, interested students took a guided tour of the campus with colleagues from the Science Student Delegation.

For tomorrow, September 8, it will be the turn of the Faculty of Economics and Business. Starting at 9 in the morning, the management team and student representatives will offer several informative sessions on its operation in the classroom of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences. Likewise, on Friday, at 10:00 a.m., in the Lecture Hall II assembly hall, the Presentation Ceremony of the Higher Polytechnic School (HPS) for all new students. This welcome can be followed online. After finishing, at 11:30 a.m., each coordinator will give a talk, exclusively face-to-face, where organizational details referring specifically to each degree will be explained.

Likewise, the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters will celebrate its welcome and informative meeting on the 8th in the Auditorium, at 10:00 a.m., with a welcome message by the dean of the faculty, Jose Maria Ferri Collthe intervention of Such Peace, Vice Dean of Practices, Students and Entrepreneurship, and the presentations by the Culture Service and the Sports Secretariat of the Vice-Rector’s Office for Culture, Sports and University Extension, the Languages ​​Secretariat, the Vice-Rector’s Office for Studies, Quality and Languages ​​and the intervention of the Program coordinator Action Walkthrough. After completion, students will take a tour of the campus, will visit the General Library and will go to the classrooms where they will meet with those responsible for the academic coordination of each grade.

For its part, the welcome day for the students of the law School will take place on Monday, September 11, at 1:00 p.m., in the Auditorium of the University of Alicante. The conference can also be followed by video streaming. On September 12 and 13 it will be the turn to receive the students of the Education Faculty. On the 12th, at 5:00 p.m., the presentation ceremony for the Early Childhood Education Teacher’s degree will be held, and on the 13th, at 12:00 p.m., that of Primary. Both will take place in the auditorium of the faculty.

#Medicine #begins #warm #engines #University #Alicante



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