University Entrance Exam Results: High Cut-off Scores and In-demand Degrees

2023-06-04 08:13:14

Los more than 250,000 students who will face the entrance exams to the University in a few days should achieve almost excellence if their dream is to take double degrees as Mathematics and Physics or the careers of Electronic Engineering and Medicinewith a note of almost fourteen, the maximum score.

The reduced or insufficient supply of places is behind these high marks for access to the faculties and, for example, explains that for taking the degree in Social Education at the University of Extremadura requires a 13.48 since it only has 65 seats.

On the other hand, Agricultural Engineering, Catalan Language and Literature and Social and Cultural Anthropology are among those with the lowest score (5).

As of next Monday, the 2nd year of Baccalaureate students will begin to be examined to enter the University, the last year in which the model prior to the approval of the last educational reform (Lomloe, in 2021) will be applied and the last with the “covid” format, easier so as not to harm students who dealt with the difficulties derived from the pandemic.

More than 38,000 Madrid students face the EvAU from this Monday

The first to take the exam will be the high school graduates from Madrid, Cantabria, Murcia and La Rioja, on June 5, a test that in the previous ordinary call passed more than 94% of those who took the exam in 2021, the latest official data available and that it was even higher in cases such as the Basque Country (98.3%); Castilla y León (98.1%) and La Rioja (97.9).

Almost perfection is what young people whose desire is to study will have to scratch the double degree of Mathematics and Physics at the Complutense Universitywhich stood at 13.83 the previous year.

The score obtained in the university test represents 40% of the weight of the final entrance mark, while the final Bachillerato mark adds up to the remaining 60%.

Double grade

Among the highest cut-off marks, which do not register great variability from one exercise to another, the double degrees are the most demanding, including Mathematics/Physics (13.83 from the Complutense), a slightly lower figure in the University of Seville (13.7) and that of Santiago de Compostela (13.28).

According to the data of the portal of the Ministry of Universities “QEDU” (What to study and where at the University), these double degrees also include Physiotherapy/Physical Activity Sciences (13.2 Universidad Sevilla); Mathematics and Physics (13.2 Santiago de Compostela); Computer Engineering/Mathematics (13.3 Polytechnic of Valencia) and Computer Engineering/Mathematics (13.38 Autónoma de Madrid).

Pharmacy/Nutrition (UCM) careers also exceed 13; International Studies/Business Administration (Carlos III); International Relations/Law (Pablo de Olavide from Seville); Computer Science/Mathematics (UCM); International Relations/Law (Zaragoza) and Computer Science/Mathematics (U. Rey Juan Carlos)

between grades, the highest cut-off marks are given in Medicine, regardless of the university in question. These are studies whose labor insertion rates four years following finishing studies range between 90 and 98%.

Apart from Medicine, the careers that need more than a thirteen to enter the University are Mechanical Engineering (U. Extremadura); Law (U.Burgos) and Translation and Interpreting (U.Murcia).

#Medicine #double #degree #MathematicsPhysics #highest #cutoff #marks



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