University Coordination 2024. Preliminary Indicators for Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry Admissions

2024-08-10 07:55:00

Detect the first indicator 2024 Academy Coordinator The minimum level of scientific classification has been improved First stage coordination This year, the university coordination score was 371 degrees or above, accounting for 90.48%, while last year the science section had the lowest score of 362 degrees or above, accounting for 88.29%.

According to the preliminary indicators for school coordination in 2024, it is expected that the minimum admission threshold for medical schools, schools of pharmacy, and schools of dentistry will increase compared with last year.

The following are the results of the first phase of coordination in last year’s university coordination. It is expected that the minimum admission score of these colleges in the 2024 university coordination will be increased by more than 6 degrees:-
Sohag Medicine 387.5
Damietta Medicine 383
Mansoura Medicine 382.5
Zagazig Medicine 382.5
FAQ Medicine 381.5
Complementary Medicine 381
Alexander Medicine 381
South Valley Dental 380.5
South Valley Medicine 380
Kafr El-Sheikh Medicine379.5
Tanta Medical 379.5
Cairo Medicine 379
Luxor Medicine 379
Mingya Medicine 377.5
Port Said Medicine 377.5
Menoufia Medicine, Shebin El-Kom, 377.5
Banha Medicine 377
Ain Shams Medicine 377
Hewan Medical 376
Suez Canal Medicine in Ismailia 376
Asyut Dental 376
Aswan Medicine 375.5
Mansoura Dental 375.5
SUEZ Medicine 375
Benisuf Medicine 375
Fayoum Medicine 375
Xingu Medical 374.5
Arish Medicine 374.5
Mingya Dental 374
Zagazig Dental 374
Tanta Dental 374
Kraft Sheikh Dental 373.5
Ain Shams Dental 373.5
Cairo Dental 373.5
Alexander Dental 373.5
Suez Dental Ismailia 373.5
Menufia Dental 373.5
Suez Dental 373
Beni Suf Dental 373
Fayoum Dental 373
Sohag Pharmacy 372.5
South Valley Pharmacy 370.5
Mansoura Pharmacy 370
Asyut Pharmacy 369.5
Mingya Pharmacy 369
Zagazige Pharmacy 369
Ismailia Suez Canal Pharmacy 368.5
Tanta Pharmacy 368.5
Cairo Pharmacy 368.5
Damanhur Pharmacy 368.5
Alexandria Pharmacy 368
Port Said Pharmacy 368
Menofia Pharmacy 368
Benisuf Pharmacy 368
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Kafr El-Sheikh 368
Fayoum Pharmacy 367.5
Ain Shams Pharmacy 367.5
Sadat City Pharmacy 367
Xingu Pharmacy 367
Hewan Pharmacy 367

The minimum level of admission to the university is determined by a series of criteria, the most important of which is the desire of the students registered on the electronic coordination website, and the number admitted to each department is determined based on the criteria deemed appropriate by the Supreme Coordination Council.

#University #Coordination #Preliminary #Indicators #Medicine #Pharmacy #Dentistry #Admissions



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