Universities appoint medical assessors

The Minister of Universities, Joan Subirats.

The Ministry of Universities has published this Monday a resolution of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation by which members of Advisory Committees of the National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity (Cneai).

It is an organization made up of a variety of specialists in the fields of Mathematics and Physics, Chemistry, Natural Sciences, Mechanical and Production Technologies, engineering, architecture, Education or Economic Sciences. However, there are also experts from fields related to the health field, such as Cellular and molecular biology y Biomedical sciences.

The aforementioned resolution, published in the Official State Gazette (BOE), appoints, first of all, the members of the Advisory Committees of the aforementioned National Commission in the aforementioned branches of knowledge. so, in Cellular and molecular biology the composition is as follows:

Chairwoman: Maria Asia Fernandez Carvajal, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. University of Miguel Hernandez of Elche.


  • Antonio Bernard Miana. Research Professor of Biomedicine. Superior Council of Scientific Investigations.

  • Justo Pastor Castaño Fuentes. Professor of Cellular Biology. University of Cordoba.

  • Montserrat Corominas and Guiu. Professor of Genetics. Barcelona University.

  • Alicia Estevez Toranzo. Professor of Microbiology. University of Santiago de Compostela.

  • Mariano Nicolas Hernandez Ferrer. Professor of Genetics. University of La Laguna.

  • Jesus Manuel Miguez Miramontes. Professor of Physiology. University of Vigo.

  • Ana Maria Navarro Home. Professor of Cellular Biology. Oviedo University.

  • Elena Amaya Ostolaza The Fear. Chair of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibersitatea.

  • Juan Peragon Sanchez. Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Jaen University.

Meanwhile, the National Evaluation Commission in the field of Biomedical sciences will be formed by:

Chairwoman: Maria del Carmen Ramirez Tortosa. Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. University of Granada.


  • Luis Antonio Alvarez-Sala Walther. Professor of Medicine. Complutense University of Madrid.

  • Maria Victoria Bejar Luque. Professor of Microbiology. University of Granada.

  • Ana Maria Bermejo Barrera. Professor of Toxicology. University of Santiago de Compostela.

  • Jorge Lorenzo Freixinet Gilart. Professor of Surgery. University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

  • Maria Dolores Estilita Lopez Garcia. Professor of Histology. University of Salamanca.

  • Juan Diego Pedrera Zamorano. Professor of Nursing. University of Extremadura.

  • Ricardo Perez Tomas. Professor of Cellular Biology. University of Barcelona.

  • Emilio Jose Sanz Alvarez. Professor of Pharmacology. University of La Laguna.

  • Sponsorship Vergara Esteras. Professor of Physiology. Autonomous University of Barcelona.

National Commission for the Evaluation of Investigative Activity

On the other hand, the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation appoints the experts who will advise the National Commission for the Evaluation of Investigative Activity in any of the aforementioned fields, being Biomedical sciences the only one related to the field of health. Its composition is as follows:

  • Jose Ramon Alonso Pena. Professor of Cellular Biology. University of Salamanca.

  • Rafael Barrera Chacon. Professor of Animal Medicine and Surgery. University of Extremadura.

  • Jose John Gaforio Martinez. Professor of Immunology. University of Jaén.

  • Rosa María Giner Pons. Professor of Pharmacology. University of Valencia.

  • Celia Jimenez-Cervantes Frigols. Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. University of Murcia.

  • Maria del Rosario Martin Santos. Professor of Nutrition and Bromatology. Complutense University of Madrid.

  • Matilde Merino San Juan. Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology. University of Valencia.

  • Julio Jose Ochoa Herrera. Professor of Physiology. University of Granada.

  • Jose Maria Ramon Torrell. Professor of Preventive Medicine. Barcelona University

The National Commission for the Evaluation of Investigative Activity carries out the evaluation of the research activity of university professors and staff of the scientific scales of the CSICin order to be recognized a complement of productivity (six-year period).

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Redacción Médica is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend to the reader that any health-related questions be consulted with a health professional.



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