Universidad “Benito Juárez” will offer a degree in Integral Medicine and Community Health

Piedras Negras, Coahuila. – Even though the information has not been specified by the coordinating body, it is a fact that starting next year the “Benito Juárez” University of Well-being will offer the course of Comprehensive Medicine and Community Health, the director of the institution announced. Algeria Gallegos.

He pointed out that it was the president of the republic himself, who this Monday in his daily conference announced that the local headquarters will tentatively open this new specialty for the months of January or February 2023.

The teacher Gallegos Martínez said that for this purpose the platform www.ubbj.gov.mx will be open starting this Monday, November 21 and for a month, so that all interested students can register and be taken into account.

The director of the “Benito Juárez” University explained that, according to the initial information available, those who meet the enrollment requirements would have to take a five-week introductory course and once finished start what is known as with “common trunk”.

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