Universal allowance is back on the table: the MR wants 1000 euros for everyone, the PS is not convinced, Ecolo doubts, the PTB does not make it a priority

The concept of assigning a monthly income to each Belgian adult is discussed in politics.

When the cost of living continues to rise, all eyes turn to the state, waiting for the federal government to come up with a new solution. After the VAT reductions, energy vouchers, social tariffs or even food parcels, it is now the idea of ​​a universal wage that is making a comeback. In other words, to pay monthly and without compensation a fixed income to all Belgian adults.

This idea has been tested in many countries around the world, defended by Silicon Valley pundits, presented as the solution to the robotization of work, imagined as the solution to freeing oneself from capitalism or, conversely, seen as a increased subjection to the laws of the market. With the health crisis, it came back in force. If governments can provide aid in the context of a crisis, they can just as well pay a monthly salary, some argued. Especially since this Corona unemployment seems to have inspired many Belgians to reformulate their existence according to a model that is sometimes more precarious but with fewer working hours.

Recently, the Les Engagés movement brought out the proposal for a universal income at its founding congress. At the beginning of April, it was the president of the MR who returned to the charge on this concept which he has been defending for many years. “We give everyone a basic income. And afterwards, if you work, you earn more. If you don’t work, you stay with your basic income”explains Georges-Louis Bouchez in a video posted on social networks.

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