This theory which solves many mysteries

2024-08-19 06:00:07

The universe is expanding faster and faster, an observation that challenges our current understanding of physics.

What if this accelerated expansion was caused by tiny tunnels in space, invisible to the naked eye? Scientists are exploring the idea that micro-wormholes, born from the quantum vacuum, could hold the key to this cosmic mystery.

Wormholes, hypothetical tunnels connecting distant points in the Universe, could constantly emerge from the vacuum of space due to subtle quantum effects. If this theory is confirmed, it would open the door to the quantum gravitythis unification much sought-after theoretical theory of fundamental forces.

For decades, astronomers have observed an increasing expansion of the Universe, in contradiction with the predictions of Einstein’s general relativity. To explain this anomaly, the idea of ​​a energy mysterious black, filling the space and interacting weakly with the matterhas been put forward. Yet this energy remains elusive.

A recent study, published in the journal Physical Review Dproposes a bold alternative to dark energy: subatomic wormholes formant continuously. These structures, although different from classical quantum particles, could generate the energy needed to explain the observed expansion.

The difficulty lies in the complexity of calculating these quantum gravitational phenomena. However, the researchers used an innovative approach, Euclidean quantum gravity, to estimate that about 10 billion wormholes created by centimeter cube and by second could be sufficient for this task. Their model also stands out in suggesting that dark energy could vary over time tempsin agreement with some recent observations.

Despite these theoretical advances, experimentation remains essential to validate this hypothesis. Future increasingly precise space observations could allow us to test this intriguing and innovative theory.

#theory #solves #mysteries



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