Unity Reclaimed: Factions Unite in Support of Marthe Kasalu Tshisekedi within UDPS Accord

The climate of tension has temporarily calmed within the UDPS – Union for Democracy and Social Progress -, while awaiting the return to the country of the Head of State, Félix Tshisekedi, the authority of reference of this party in power. Thanks to the mediation of Marthe Kasalu, biological mother of the current Head of State, the two rival camps have finally decided to bury the hatchet of war..

Unity is strength, this is the message sent by the UDPS executives, at the end of a long meeting held on the evening of Thursday, September 5, around the wife of the historic opponent, the late Étienne Tshisekedi Wa Mulumba, biological and political father of the current President of the Republic. The call for calm is finally launched by Augustin Kabuya and Déo Bizibu, two tenors at the head of the camps thus formed.

Contrary to the calls made by both camps, no activity will be held this Saturday at the headquarters of the presidential party in Limete. The two leaders noted the need for the UDPS to retain power under the leadership of Félix Tshisekedi during this term.

Both warmly thanked the mediation carried out by the biological mother of the President of the Republic, in order to avoid unrest. “Every family has its problems,” insinuated Augustin Kabuya, visibly committed to turning the dark page.

“We call for unity within the party,” said Deo Bizibu in turn, in front of Maman Marthe.

Shortly before this meeting, Gecko Beia, one of the fighters opposed to the management of Augustin Kabuya and one of the voices listened to by the activists, distinguished himself through a video, calling on members and executives to respect the choice of the Head of State, Félix Tshisekedi.


2024-09-06 06:43:17
#UDPS #Agreement #reached #factions #Marthe #Kasalu #Tshisekedi

Who was the first president of ​Democratic Republic of Congo

UDPS: A Climate of Tension Calms Down as Félix⁢ Tshisekedi’s⁤ Authority Prevails

In a welcome turn of events, the climate of tension within‍ the Union for Democracy and Social​ Progress (UDPS) has temporarily ⁤subsided, thanks to the mediation of Marthe Kasalu, the‌ biological mother of the President of the Democratic ⁢Republic of Congo, Félix Tshisekedi. The⁢ two rival camps within the party ⁤have finally agreed to put their differences aside and work towards unity.

The UDPS, founded by ⁤Étienne ‌Tshisekedi Wa ⁣Mulumba, the biological and political ⁣father ⁤of the current President, in 1982 [[1]], has been a dominant force ‌in Congolese ⁣politics. Félix ⁢Tshisekedi, ⁣who won the‌ presidential⁤ election in 2018 [[2]], has ‍been⁤ the authority of reference for the party. His party, UDPS, has also performed well in the recent parliamentary⁤ election, winning 69 seats ⁤ [[3]].

The recent ‍tensions within the party were resolved through the efforts of Marthe ⁤Kasalu, who brought the rival ⁢camps together. A long meeting was⁢ held on‌ the evening of‍ Thursday, September 5, at the residence of ⁤the‍ late Étienne Tshisekedi Wa Mulumba. The ⁤meeting saw the participation⁤ of UDPS executives, including Augustin Kabuya and Déo Bizibu,​ leaders of the two camps.

The outcome of the ‌meeting was a call for unity within the party, with both leaders acknowledging the need for the ‌UDPS to retain‍ power under Félix Tshisekedi’s leadership during this term. They also appreciated ⁤the‍ mediation efforts‍ of Marthe Kasalu, which helped⁢ avoid⁢ unrest.

Unity is indeed⁤ strength,⁤ and the UDPS executives have ‍sent a clear ⁣message to their supporters​ and the nation. By ‍putting aside their differences, the party can ‍now focus on ‍its core objectives and work towards a better future for the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

In the words⁢ of Augustin Kabuya, ⁤”Every‌ family ⁤has its problems.” However,⁣ with the mediation of Marthe Kasalu, the ⁤UDPS has demonstrated its ability to overcome internal conflicts and emerge stronger. As the party looks forward to ⁣the return of ⁣Félix Tshisekedi, it is ⁣clear that unity will be the​ guiding principle‌ for the party’s future success.





Who was the first president of Democratic Republic of Congo

UDPS: A Climate of Tension Calms Down as Félix Tshisekedi’s Authority Prevails

In a welcome turn of events, the climate of tension within the Union for Democracy and Social Progress (UDPS) has temporarily subsided, thanks to the mediation of Marthe Kasalu, the biological mother of the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Félix Tshisekedi. The two rival camps within the party have finally agreed to put their differences aside and work towards unity.

The UDPS, founded by Étienne Tshisekedi Wa Mulumba, the biological and political father of the current President, in 1982, has been a dominant force in Congolese politics. Félix Tshisekedi, who won the presidential election in 2018, has been the authority of reference for the party. His party, UDPS, has also performed well in the recent parliamentary election, winning 69 seats.

The recent tensions within the party were resolved through the efforts of Marthe Kasalu, who brought the rival camps together. A long meeting was held on the evening of Thursday, September 5, at the residence of the late Étienne Tshisekedi Wa Mulumba. The meeting saw the participation of UDPS executives, including Augustin Kabuya and Déo Bizibu, leaders of the two camps.

The outcome of the meeting was a call for unity within the party, with both leaders acknowledging the need for the UDPS to retain power under Félix Tshisekedi’s leadership during this term. They also appreciated the mediation efforts of Marthe Kasalu, which helped avoid unrest.

Unity is indeed strength, and the UDPS executives have sent a clear message to their supporters and the nation. By putting aside their differences, the party can now focus on its core objectives and work towards a better future for the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

In the words of Augustin Kabuya, “Every family has its problems.” However, with the mediation of Marthe Kasalu, the UDPS has demonstrated its ability to overcome internal conflicts and emerge stronger. As the party looks forward to the return of Félix Tshisekedi, it is clear that unity will be the guiding principle for the party’s future success.

Background of the Crisis

The UDPS has been experiencing a crisis in recent times, with Félix Tshisekedi facing opposition from within his own party [[2]]. Augustin Kabuya, the secretary-general of the UDPS, was dismissed from his position, leading to a power struggle within the party [[3]]. However, thanks to the mediation efforts of Marthe Kasalu, the two rival camps have finally agreed to put their differences aside and work towards unity.

The Role of Marthe Kasalu

Marthe Kasalu, the biological mother of Félix Tshise



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