Unity in Action: Formation Commanders’ Conference Pledges Ongoing Solidarity with Palestinians and Kashmiris


Pakistan’s⁣ Support for Palestinians and Kashmiris Reiterated in Formation Commanders Conference

Pakistan’s Support for Palestinians and Kashmiris Reiterated in Formation Commanders Conference

September 5, 2024

The support for Palestinians and Kashmiris was emphasized in the 82nd Formation Commanders Conference, chaired by Army Chief General Asim Munir. According to the Inter-Services Public Relations‌ (ISPR), the army chief expressed satisfaction with the operational preparations and training quality of the formations to tackle ‌emerging threats.

In the conference, it was reiterated that Pakistan fully supports the Palestinian people both politically ⁣and diplomatically, and it will continue its⁣ efforts toward sustainable stability and⁢ security.

The forum emphasized continuous support for Kashmiris, asserting ‍that ⁣a permanent solution to the Kashmir ‍issue lies in granting self-determination, in line with UN resolutions.

ISPR highlighted the‌ tribute paid to the martyrs, including officers, soldiers, law enforcement personnel, and citizens who sacrificed their lives for⁤ the nation.

The‍ forum reaffirmed its resolve to confront terrorists and their facilitators with full force to ⁤ensure stability ‍in Pakistan.

Concerns were raised regarding the ongoing human rights violations faced ​by Kashmiris in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir, condemning the actions‌ of Indian forces.

The Formation Commanders Conference also expressed ⁣support​ for the government’s initiatives aimed⁢ at economic recovery, combating smuggling and power ⁢theft, and implementing a unified documentation system.

Additionally, the forum endorsed the government’s efforts for the repatriation of illegal immigrants.

Support for Palestine based on pre-1967 ‍borders‌ was reasserted ‍during the conference.

Despite⁣ the challenges⁢ faced, the forum noted a reduction in anxiety and ‍uncertainty within ‌Pakistan, highlighting a rise in hope, confidence, and stability. Any attempts by disruptive elements will be thwarted.

The participants⁤ reaffirmed their‌ commitment that the Pakistan Army will continue ⁣to defend the nation and promote sustainable stability and security across the country.

Lastly, the Formation Commanders Conference called on the patriotic people of Pakistan to remain determined and united‍ in their efforts.


Pakistan’s ⁢Support for Palestinians and Kashmiris Reiterated in​ Formation Commanders Conference

September 5, 2024

The support ⁢for Palestinians and Kashmiris was emphasized in the 82nd Formation Commanders Conference, chaired by Army Chief General Asim Munir. According to the ‍Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), the ⁢army ‌chief expressed‍ satisfaction with the​ operational preparations and‌ reiterated ⁣Pakistan’s unwavering support for‍ the rights of the Palestinian⁢ and Kashmiri people.



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