United States: Congress on track to avoid “shutdown”

2023-11-15 07:58:38

History repeats itself: only two months following narrowly avoiding a budgetary paralysis, the United States once once more finds itself on the edge.

American officials can take a breather. At least, in part. This Tuesday, the House of Representatives approved an extension of the federal state budgethoping to prevent the paralysis in three days of the American administration.

This text, supported by elected Democrats and Republicans, must however still be adopted in the Senate by midnight on the night of Friday to Saturdayin order to ward off this threat with devastating consequences.

Regular risk of shutdown

If nothing is done to extend the budget by then, the country will suddenly slow down: 1.5 million civil servants will be deprived of salary, air traffic will be disruptedwhile visitors to national parks will find the door closed.

The dissensions in Congress are such that elected officials are currently unable to vote on one-year budgets, contrary to what most economies in the world do.

Most elected officials from both camps do not want this extremely unpopular situation, the famous “shutdown”especially as the Thanksgiving holidays approach.

These new tensions come only two months following the latest risk of “shutdown”, which the world’s leading economic power narrowly averted.

Series of mini-budgets

The dissensions in Congress (the Republicans are in the majority in the House, while the Democrats are in the Senate) are such that elected officials are currently unable to vote on one-year budgets, contrary to what most economies in the world do. Instead, the United States must settle for a series of one- or two-month mini-budgets.

Each time one of these budgets expires, everything has to be done once more: acrimonious negotiations, commented on extensively on social networks, threats, then a series of votes, in the House, in the Senate…

Destitution et chaos

It is very common for last minute agreements to be reached on these finance laws, but the latest negotiations around the American federal budget, at the end of September, had plunged Congress into chaos. Trumpist elected officials, furious that the then Republican President of the House concluded a last minute agreement with the Democratic camp, had dismissed himan absolutely unprecedented situation.

This time, the agreement on the table proposes to extend the budget to two different deadlines: one part until mid-January, the other until the beginning of February.

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