United News Network: Latest Updates on US Republican Leader McConnell and Former President Trump – 2024 News Coverage

2024-02-29 08:31:37
2024-02-29 11:31 United News Network Corner International Daily Podcast US Republican leader Mitch McConnell (right) and former President Trump (left). now…

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February 29, 2024, news tracking:

(1) The state of Illinois in the United States ruled on February 28 that Trump violated the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution due to the riot on Capitol Hill and therefore was not allowed to participate in the local Republican primary. This is the third state to rule that Trump cannot attend, following Colorado and Maine. The Trump camp will continue to appeal, and at the same time, the U.S. Supreme Court also stated that it will hear the immunity appeal filed by Trump. Trump claimed that he enjoyed immunity during his term as president and was therefore accused of “attempting to subvert the 2020 “Presidential election results” and other crimes should be exempted; an oral debate is currently scheduled for the week of April 22.

(2) The 82-year-old Mitch. Mitch McConnell – announced on February 28 that he will officially step down as Senate leader in November this year. McConnell has served as Senate leader for more than 14 years since 2007, setting a record for the longest term in office. Although McConnell did not directly say whether his resignation was directly related to his health condition, McConnell made several “sudden long pauses” in public speeches last year, which raised concerns about his health. On the other hand, the party whip who has dominated the political arena for many years has resigned, and now is a time when Trump is coming fiercely and the Republican Party is in chaos. As a Republican leader and a mainstream establishment member in the party who safeguards traditional values, McConnell has worked closely with Trump in the past. The contradiction between Prussia and Prussia has once again become a topic that tests his political career.

(Extended reading: “The next chapter in the life of a political veteran: US Republican leader McConnell steps down as Senate leader”)

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(3) The Korean doctors’ general strike has lasted for more than a week. About 80% of interns and residents and more than 13,000 medical students across the country have taken actions such as strikes, strikes and resignations to protest against the Korean government’s annual expansion of medical student enrollment by 2,000. policy. The government maintains that South Korea is about to enter the threshold of a super-aged society and must increase the number of doctors to cope with the imminent shortage of medical talents. However, many doctors believe that the problem is not the shortage of total number of doctors, but the shortage of some specialist doctors, uneven distribution of health insurance resources and There is a huge gap in medical care between urban and rural areas, and the policy does not have supporting measures. Forcibly increasing the number of students will cause greater medical problems. However, the government’s current attitude is still tough. It not only issued a return-to-work order to the striking doctors, but also reported it to the Medical Association and launched an investigation.

Last 24 hours United States South Korea

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