United Kingdom will host summit with Nordic and Baltic countries in the face of Russian threat | World

British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson , next week will receive a summit with the Nordic and Baltic countries, Russia’s neighbors, in parallel to one of the largest NATO military exercises since the Cold War, which will take place in Norway.

From Monday, “The Cold Response Exercise” will have more than 30,000 soldiers, 200 aircraft and some fifty ships from 27 countries, Cold Response 2022 is the largest exercise in the OTAN this year and will serve to harden soldiers in combat on land, sea and air in frigid temperatures, even in arctic latitudes.

The maneuvers begin on March 14 and have been planned for a long time, but the Russian invasion of Ukraine gives them particular importance.

“The exercise is extremely important for the security of Norway and its allies: we train in reinforcement of Norway for its alliesNorwegian Defense Minister Odd Roger Enoksen told AFP.

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“It takes place not because of the attack launched by the Russian authorities on Ukraine, but seen in the background, it is more significant,” he says.

Guardian of the northern borders of NATO in Europe, the Nordic country is going to prove its capacity to receive the reinforcement of allies in accordance with article 5 of the Atlantic Charter, which obliges all its members to come to the aid of one of their own in case Of attack. Officially not aligned but close NATO partnersSweden and Finland also participate in the Cold Response operation that will last until April 1.

On Tuesday, Johnson will meet in London with the leaders of the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF), a 10-state coalition focused on the security of northern Europe, the British government said in a statement on Saturday.

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“European security has been shaken by Russia’s attack on Ukraine and, together with our partners, we will take action to ensure that we come out stronger and more united than before,” Johnson stated.

At this week’s summit, JEF leaders are expected to agree on an “enhanced programme” of exercises in the Arctic, the North Atlantic and the Baltic Sea, according to the Downing Street statement.

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