United Heroes Spain: Well-being at Work Study 2023 with CEO Paul-Emile Saab and Director Belén Viscasilllas

2023-11-13 02:32:50

United Heroes Spain celebrated the third edition of UNITED MORNINGS. An event where CEO Paul-Emile Saab shared with the attendees the results of the “WELL-BEING LAB 2023”, an annual study on well-being at work, carried out in collaboration with Great Place To Work®. This includes an analysis of the well-being factors at work that have the most relevance in the lives of professionals, giving the employer the opportunity to take them into consideration when defining their value proposition to the employee.

The objective of this study was to understand more in depth what lies beneath the concept of “wellbeing at work”, how its definition evolves throughout the professional career and, most importantly, its impact on talent retention in the workplace. the companies

In a second part, Belén Viscasilllas, director of the global well-being program of the Ferrovial group He logged onto his platform at United Heroes to share with the audience his best practices that take the program to the next level.

Employee priorities: ‘the human side’ of work

What are the components that determine well-being at work? Among the elements analyzed, these are the most valued:

The human side: Employees who telework are more motivated when they share activities with their colleagues, up to 17% more than the rest.
The content of the work: an element related above all to age and the moment of one’s professional career. It is the most important point for managers.
The working conditions: the top priority for middle managers, whether the work is in an office or a factory.
Salary: among others, freelancers highlight this element as a priority. It is perceived as a fundamental need for living but not necessarily linked to well-being in the workplace.
The company mission.

The great renunciation: Why do we stay and why do we leave?

A significant 63% of employees have considered leaving their company in the last two years, or have already done so.

Among those considering leaving the company, 34% cite the address as the main reason, followed by salary compensation (23%) and the content of the work (18%).

How is this reality managed? Is ’employee engagement’ a fundamental management lever? Companies that implement employee engagement actions for well-being – physical activityemotional content and solidarity actions – do they have a response from employees?

Physical Activity and Solidarity Solutions: The winning combination to improve balance and motivation

In 2023, the 80% of employees strongly believe that companies should take steps to promote their well-being at work.

The study highlights two areas that appear to have a significant impact on employee motivation and work-life balance:

Workplace fitness and wellness solutions increase motivation by +11% and improve work-life balance by +16%*.

Solutions with social impact increase motivation by +13%* and improve work-life balance by +16%*.

«We invest 70% of our time at work, having a buena relationship with your colleagues is essential to be able to promote quality at work,” comments one of the respondents.

“Allows us connect and share different perspectives (…) In short, it allows you to exchange ideas without the limitations of the barriers that offices have,” explains another employee.

United Mornings was attended by companies such as Accenture, Bankinter ESPAÑA, Cepsa, Ibermutua, KPMG or Santander among others, and they shared a space where everyone, people management, communication and ESG managers, have the same objective: well-being in the job.

#Team #wellbeing #social #impact.. #winning #horse



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