United Arab Emirates join Franco-Saudi aid fund

The United Arab Emirates will join the aid fund set up by France and Saudi Arabia for the Lebanese population, while the country of the Cedar is plunged into a deep economic crisis, announced Tuesday, January 11 in the evening, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jean-Yves Le Drian.

“During the visit of President Macron [en décembre 2021] in the Gulf, we were able to renew these links ” between Lebanon and the Gulf countries, welcomed the head of French diplomacy before the foreign affairs committee of the National Assembly. “This is a novelty that will allow the establishment of a Franco-Saudi fund for aid and support to the Lebanese, accompanied tomorrow or the day after by the contribution of the Emirates”, he added.

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Saudi Arabia and France announced in December 2021 that they wanted “Fully engage” with a view to reviving links between Beirut and the kingdom, undermined by the growing power of the pro-Iranian Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah.

Serious diplomatic crisis

Since the end of October 2021, a serious diplomatic crisis has pitted Lebanon against several Arab Gulf monarchies against the backdrop of a standoff over this movement, a heavyweight in Lebanese politics, which is armed and financed by Iran, a great rival. region of Saudi Arabia.

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Riyadh then recalled its ambassador to Beirut, expelled the Lebanese ambassador and banned imports from Lebanon.

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Three other Gulf countries – Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait – have taken retaliatory measures against Beirut. This further aggravated the severe Lebanese economic crisis.

Le Monde with AFP and Archyde.com

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