Unite and Strengthen the Left: Myriam Bregman and Nicolás del Caño’s Campaign Spots for President and Vice President

2023-07-07 16:50:00


Get to know the first campaign spots on the list headed by Myriam Bregman and Nicolás del Caño, which will be broadcast on radio and television on July 9. Important invitation: on Tuesday the 11th let’s have a great day of spreading these materials throughout the day on all social networks and at 6 pm all together with a big tweet throughout the country, so that our ideas are heard very loudly.

Myriam Bregman and Nicolás del Caño, pre-candidates for President and Vice President for list 1A “Unite and Strengthen the Left” of the Left Unity Front, launch their campaign with spots for television and social networks with a conceptual and gestural proposal: the so-called “Lift up the left” unites in a single action the raised fist of its political force, with an open hand that discovers a demand written on the palm.

This is a first batch of spots, with which they encourage combating the idea of ​​resignation in the face of the right-wing of the majority coalitions and public discourse, in the face of the adjustment underway and the one that will deepen following the hand of the IMF and where call to face that situation. “As in Jujuy, to give strength to your struggles, raise the left”, is one of the main concepts.

Spot “Raise the left”

With the challenge of leading lists that throughout the country are made up of hundreds and hundreds of fighters and fighters, the different pieces touch on topics such as: the fight to reduce the working day to 6 hours 5 days a week without a salary reduction; the increase in salaries and pensions; confront the agreement with the IMF, once morest looting and for the rights of women and diversity.

Spot “To strengthen your struggles”

With the same concept, a printed and digital graphic campaign of the presidential formula was launched and an appeal to take it in their hands by all its militants, supporters and voters in campaign committees.

Bregman and Del Caño head List 1A “Unite and strengthen the left” (made up of the PTS and Izquierda Socialista). The spots were recorded by the main candidates of each district: Myriam Bregman and Nicolás del Caño in the presidential ticket; Rubén “Pollo” Sobrero, candidate for governor of Buenos Aires; Jorge Adaro to Head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires; Andrea D’Atri, candidate for Buenos Aires legislator; and Alejandro Vilca, candidate for Senator for Jujuy, among many others.

This first batch of spots was made by the audiovisual teams of the PTS and from Sunday they can be seen on television, radio and through social networks.

Spot: Jorge Adaro, head of government

Spot: Andrea D’Atri legislator

Spot: Pollo Sobrero, Governor of Buenos Aires

#Myriam #Bregman #Nicolás #del #Caño #launch #campaign #spots



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