Unions Call for Nationwide Strike and Sit-In at Benmoussa’s Ministry as New Academic Year Launches


Four education unions called on educational planning and guidance staff to go on a national strike on September 18 and 19, with a sit-in on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, starting at 11:00 in front of the ministry’s headquarters in Bab Rouah, coinciding with the start of the new school year.

According to what was reported by the National Union of Education (NUE), the National Union of Education (FDS), the National Union of Education (KDS) and the National Union of Education (FNE), in separate statements, the decided steps come as an expression of their categorical rejection of the provisions of the draft training decision for the implementation of Article 76 of the basic system for employees of the Ministry in charge of National Education issued on July 31, 2024.

Article 76 of the statute of the Ministry of National Education employees stipulates that, upon their request, educational guidance counselors and educational planning counselors, including those in training at the Educational Guidance and Planning Center (2022-2024 cohort), and suppliers, including those in training at the Education Inspectors Training Center (2022-2024 cohort and 2023-2025 cohort), all of whom are ranked at least in the first grade, on the date of submission of the application, shall be integrated annually, starting from January 1, 2024 and for a period of six years, in the grade corresponding to their original grade in the inspection, supervision, monitoring and evaluation body.

In this context, the four unions criticized the Ministry’s issuance of a draft training decision to implement Article 76, which includes new, regressive legislative provisions that change the wording of this article from integrating educational guidance and planning advisors within the framework of an inspector to changing the framework conditional on completing components, completing research, and passing the graduation exam.

The same unions stressed their commitment to properly implementing Article 76 of the basic law, taking into account the training and experience of the advisor in guidance and planning, respecting the principle of integration and preserving the administrative status of the concerned cadres after training.

In a related context, the same unions expressed their rejection of burdening the guidance and planning cadres with tasks outside what is stipulated in the basic law, and assigning graduate guidance counselors to work inside the offices of the regional directorates, in violation of all memoranda and laws.

The union statements concluded with the necessity of approving training compensation for all graduates of the Center for Educational Guidance and Planning, providing the necessary work tools for all educational guidance and planning cadres, disbursing lump sum compensation and compensation for transportation, and ensuring that guidance cadres benefit from the grant allocated to leadership schools, similar to the rest of the cadres with the same training path.

#Education #unions #call #national #strike #sitin #front #Benmoussas #ministry #coinciding #start #school #year
2024-09-14 10:36:08

What are the common mistakes⁢ to avoid when ‌using the

element in HTML? ‍

I apologize, but‌ it seems like you provided a random text that is not related to the HTML

element. Here’s a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of


The​ Power of‍

in ⁤HTML: A Comprehensive Guide


element is one of the most versatile ⁢and widely‌ used elements in HTML. It is a generic container element that allows developers to group ⁣elements together for styling, layout, or semantic purposes.⁢ In this article, ⁤we’ll delve into the world of‌

and explore its uses, benefits, and best practices.

What is



element⁤ is a block-level element that stands for ⁣”division” or⁢ “container.”‍ It‌ is used to group a set‍ of elements together to create a logical grouping or to apply styles to a section of a web ⁢page. The

element can contain any type of content, including text, images, videos, and other HTML elements.

Uses of ‌

  1. Layout and Styling:
    is used to create layouts, apply CSS styles, and add padding,​ margins,⁣ or borders to a section of a web page.
  2. Semantic Meaning:
    can be ⁢used to add semantic meaning to ​a section of content, such as wrapping a group of related ‍elements together.
  3. JavaScript Manipulation:
    is often used as a target element for JavaScript interactions, such as animations, hover​ effects, or ⁣click⁣ events.
  4. Container⁢ for ⁢Other Elements:
    ‍can be used as a container for⁣ other HTML elements, such as headings,​ paragraphs, ⁢lists, or images.

Benefits of

  1. Flexibility:⁤
    is‌ a highly⁤ flexible element that can be used in a variety of contexts.
  2. Easy Styling:
    ​makes it‌ easy to apply CSS ​styles to a ⁣section ⁤of a web page.
  3. Improved Readability:
    helps to improve the‍ readability of HTML code by structuring content into ⁣logical ⁤groups.
  4. Better Accessibility:
    ‍can improve accessibility⁤ by providing a clear structure for ⁣screen readers and other assistive technologies.

Best Practices for Using

  1. Use
    Sparingly: Avoid overusing

    elements, as ⁣this can lead to cluttered and hard-to-read HTML code.
  2. Use Semantic Elements: Prefer semantic ⁢elements, ⁣such as

  3. Use IDs and Classes: Use‌ IDs‍ and classes to target
    ‌ elements with CSS styles ⁤and JavaScript⁣ interactions.
  4. Keep
    ⁤Elements Simple: Avoid nesting‌ multiple

    ‍elements ​or using them‌ to‌ create complex layouts.

Common ⁣

Mistakes ​to Avoid

  1. Over-Nesting: Avoid nesting multiple
    elements, as this can ⁢lead to cluttered and ​hard-to-read HTML code.
  2. Using
    for Everything: Avoid using

    ‌elements for⁣ every type of⁢ content; instead, use semantic elements whenever possible.
  3. Not Using IDs⁤ and Classes: Failing to​ use IDs and classes to⁢ target
    elements can make it​ difficult to style or ​interact with them using CSS‍ and JavaScript.



element is a⁢ powerful tool ‍in the HTML toolbox, offering flexibility, ease of styling, and improved readability. By following‍ best ⁣practices and avoiding common mistakes, developers can use

elements ⁢effectively to create well-structured and⁣ accessible ⁤web pages.

– Why is it important to use semantic elements instead of just

in HTML?

The Power of

in HTML: A Comprehensive Guide


element is one of the most versatile and widely used elements in HTML. It is a generic container element that is used to group elements together for styling, layout, or semantic purposes. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and there are common mistakes to avoid when using the


What is the



element is a block-level element that represents a generic container. It can be used to group elements together, apply styles, or add semantic meaning to a section of content. The

element is often used as a wrapper element to contain other elements, and it can be used to create layouts, add padding, margins, or borders, and apply CSS styles.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using

  1. Overusing
    : One of the most common mistakes is overusing the

    element. This can lead to “div-itis,” where a webpage is cluttered with unnecessary

    elements, making the HTML code bloated and harder to maintain.
  2. Not providing semantic meaning: Another mistake is not providing semantic meaning to the
    element. This can be done by using HTML5 semantic elements, such as


  3. Not using CSS classes and IDs: Failing to use CSS classes and IDs to target specific
    elements can lead to redundant CSS code and make it harder to maintain.
  4. Not considering accessibility: Not considering accessibility when using
    elements can lead to issues for users with disabilities. For example, using

    elements as buttons or links without providing the necessary ARIA attributes can make the content inaccessible.
  5. Not validating HTML code: Not validating HTML code can lead to errors and inconsistencies in the use of
    elements, which can affect the overall structure and layout of the webpage.

Best Practices for Using

  1. Use
    sparingly: Only use

    elements when necessary, and avoid using them as a generic container for everything.
  2. Provide semantic meaning: Use HTML5 semantic elements to provide better structure and meaning to the content.
  3. Use CSS classes and IDs: Use CSS classes and IDs to target specific
    elements and avoid redundant CSS code.
  4. Consider accessibility: Consider accessibility when using
    elements, and provide the necessary ARIA attributes to make the content accessible.
  5. Validate HTML code: Validate HTML code to ensure that the use of
    elements is consistent and error-free.



element is a powerful tool in HTML, but it requires careful consideration and attention to best practices to avoid common mistakes. By following the best practices outlined in this article, developers can ensure that their use of

elements is efficient, semantic, and accessible.


  1. What is the purpose of the


element is a generic container element used to group elements together for styling, layout, or semantic purposes.

  1. When should I use the

Use the

element when you need to group elements together for styling or layout purposes, or when you need to add semantic meaning to a section of content.

  1. What are some common mistakes to avoid when using the

Common mistakes to avoid include overusing

, not providing semantic meaning, not using CSS classes and IDs, not considering accessibility, and not validating HTML code.

  1. How can I ensure that my use of
    elements is efficient and semantic?

By following best practices, such as using

sparingly, providing semantic meaning, using CSS classes and IDs, considering accessibility, and validating HTML code.

  1. What are some alternative elements to

Alternative elements to

include HTML5 semantic elements, such as




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