“UNICEF report highlights Covid-19’s devastating impact on childhood vaccination rates worldwide”

2023-04-21 02:08:14

Covid-19 » Between 2019 and 2021, 67 million children were totally or partially deprived of life-saving vaccines due to Covid-19-related disruptions. The pandemic has set the world back more than ten years in terms of childhood vaccination, UNICEF is alarmed.

“Getting back on track is going to be a challenge,” the UN agency said in a report released Wednesday. Unicef ​​is particularly concerned regarding the risk of epidemics of measles or polio.

According to her, vaccination coverage is down in 112 countries. And between 2019 and 2021, the childhood vaccination rate worldwide fell by 5 percentage points, to 81%, a level not seen since 2008: 67 million children missed out on vaccines, particularly in Africa and South Asia, and 48 million of them received no dose of any kind.

Measles has doubled

The situation is all the more worrying as this decline occurred at the end of a decade when “the growth of childhood vaccination was stagnating”, following the massive increase in the 1980s, underlines the agency.

“Vaccines have played a really important role in enabling children to live long, healthy lives.” So “any decline in vaccination rates is worrying,” says Brian Keeley, the report’s editor.

Immunizing children saves 4.4 million lives each year, says UNICEF. This number might rise to 5.8 million if the world manages to halve the number of children deprived of essential vaccines by 2030 and reach 90% coverage for key life-saving vaccines.

Before the introduction of the vaccine in 1963, measles killed some 2.6 million people a year, mostly children. A figure dropped to 128,000 in 2021 for this disease which today is of particular concern to the UN.

In three years, the vaccination rate once morest measles – so contagious that it requires 95% vaccinations in a community to achieve herd immunity – has dropped from 86 to 81%, according to the report. And the number of measles cases doubled in 2022 compared to 2021.

“Survival Crisis”

The fall in the vaccination rate, similar for polio, diphtheria or whooping cough, is also occurring in a broader context of the “survival crisis” of children, notes UNICEF, highlighting an overlap of crises (malnutrition, impacts climate change, poverty, etc.)

“It is increasingly difficult for health systems and governments to meet the need for vaccinations,” said Brian Keeley. To improve vaccination coverage, however, it is necessary to “strengthen primary health care and provide front-line personnel, mostly women, with the resources and support they need”, insists UNICEF.

Without forgetting the 67 million children deprived of vaccines during the Covid who will leave the age group targeted by vaccinations, pleads Mr. Keeley, calling for them for a “determined program of catch-up”.

Falling confidence

At the same time, while the debates around Covid-19 have put antivaccines back in the spotlight, the report is concerned regarding a drop in confidence in vaccination in 52 out of 55 countries studied. “These data are a worrying warning signal,” warned UNICEF boss Catherine Russell in a statement.

“Trust in routine immunization must not be a casualty of the pandemic as well, or large numbers of children will soon die of measles, diphtheria or other diseases. avoidable”.

In half of these 55 countries, “notoriously changing” vaccine confidence remains above 80%, however, tempers Unicef. And despite this distrust, “there is reason to be optimistic that services are resuming in a number of countries,” said Brian Keeley, referring to “encouraging” preliminary data for vaccinations in 2022.

But “even if we manage to get back to where we were before the pandemic, hopefully in a few years”, progress will still have to be made to vaccinate those who were deprived of their injections already before the Covid, insists. -he. ats/afp

#Vaccination #undermined #antivax



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