Unholy Alliance: PTI and JUI Join Forces to Redefine Pakistan’s Constitutional Boundaries

On the issue of twenty-sixth constitutional amendments, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (F) chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman have once again contacted each other and a meeting was held between the leaders of both parties.

According to sources, PTI delegation reached Maulana Fazlur Rehman’s house on Wednesday, the delegation included Chairman PTI Barrister Gohar, Salman Akram Raja, Rauf Hassan and Hamid Khan. JUI Secretary General Ghafoor Hydari, Maulana Abdul Wasi, Aslam Ghori and Mehmood Shah were also present in the meeting.

In the meeting, consultations were held on the country’s political situation and constitutional amendment.

It should be noted that the government has decided to call the Parliament and Senate meetings on October 18. Constitutional amendments are likely to be presented in these meetings.

It was also reported that Maulana Fazlur Rehman has expressed his conditional consent to the proposed constitutional amendments. However, Jamiat Ulema Islam (F) senator and legal team member Kamran Murtaza has expressed ignorance about it.

It should be noted that Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam had also discussed sharing the draft of constitutional amendments with People’s Party.

Sources say that PTI decided to meet Maulana Fazlur Rehman after the progress in negotiations with People’s Party.

After the meeting, Barrister Gohar Ali Khan while talking to the media said that the conversation with Maulana Fazlur Rehman went well, first the draft of the government will come and then they will discuss the constitutional amendment, so far the government has not given any draft.

The journalist asked that Maulana Fazlur Rehman met the government leaders, were you taken into confidence in this regard?

On which Barrister Gauhar said that we also have meetings, we are united for the nation, for the parliament and for the independent judiciary.

Salman Akram Raja said that Maulana Fazlur Rehman is taking a historic stand, in the coming days the nation will get good news, Maulana Fazlur Rehman has saved the nation, all our members are safe and in touch with us.

#Important #meeting #PTI #JUI #elders #constitutional #amendments #Pakistan

Pachistani ​o pakistani

PTI and⁤ JUI-F: Unlikely‍ Allies in the Making?

In recent days, the Pakistan​ Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and⁣ Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (F) (JUI-F)⁢ have been ⁤making⁤ headlines for their newly revived contact. According ‌to available information, both parties have been in⁢ talks⁤ to hammer out‍ their differences ⁤and potentially form an alliance, specifically on the contentious issue of the 26th constitutional amendments[[3]]. This ‍development⁣ marks a significant shift in the ​Pakistani political landscape, with‍ both⁢ parties now attempting ⁢to put their past differences aside.

As can be observed from social ‌media and news platforms, online discussions have been circulating ⁢regarding the possible PTI-JUI-F alliance. ​Various videos‍ and articles have ⁣been posted, analyzing the‍ current situation and discussing what could be next for both parties [[1]] [[2]]. However, for many, this alliance remains ⁤a‍ surprise, especially given the tumultuous past between the PTI and JUI-F.

Reports indicate ⁢that PTI leaders, including Chairman PTI Barrister ⁤Gohar, recently met with JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman at his residence ⁢in an effort to resolve their differences. This move can⁣ be seen as⁤ an‍ attempt to alleviate the situation following a‌ PTI rally in ⁣Pishin, where allegedly,⁤ inappropriate slogans ‍against​ the JUI-F were ‍raised, leading to tensions‌ between‍ the parties​ [[3]].

The implications of a PTI-JUI-F ​alliance are multifaceted ‌and‌ will likely have significant repercussions on Pakistani politics. Historically, the PTI, having been founded on the ideals of reforms, would seem to stand in contrast to the socially and religiously conservative position held by JUI-F. However, both parties are responding to​ the rapidly shifting Pakistani landscape and exploring potential cooperation.

It remains to ‌be seen how successful ⁤this push for cooperation will be, as both ⁤parties ‍navigate their previously strained relationship and conflicting ideologies. For Pakistan’s democratic landscape, it’s ⁣an ‍impending twist that could reshape the shape⁣ of upcoming elections and shift ​alliances,⁢ emphasizing ‍the highly changing ⁣nature ‍of politics in the country.

While rumors have⁣ been circulating about a possible PTI-JUI-F cooperation on several occasions in the past, ⁢the ⁢real question at ⁣this point in time is ⁤whether these renewed talks will⁣ result in something more‌ concrete this time around, ‌especially given the ‍backdrop of constitutional reform on the table.



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