Unholy Alliance: A Glimmer of Hope for Katumbi Amidst the Mulonde Debacle

Without obtaining prior authorization from the authorities, Moïse Katumbi undertook work to rehabilitate an airstrip in Mulonde, Kamfwa groupement, in Pweto territory. If for the Public Aviation Authority this approach is in “flagrant violation” of the law, the local Catholic church for its part defends the leader of the Ensemble party.

In a statement, the clergy of the Kilwa-Kasenga diocesan, Father Katembo Hippolite and the priests stressed that the development of the Kanfwa Reference Health Center and the rehabilitation of the old Mulonde airstrip are part of the “constant, unfailing charitable desire of Moïse Katumbi to come to the aid of local populations”.

“He has already built more than one reference health center of this type, and he had already occasionally developed more than one track in the region. We cite Kashobwe, Kilwa, Pweto…” said the priests.

Last Tuesday, a delegation of soldiers and security service agents from Kinshasa was sent to the site to stop the work. The priests of this region denounce this “incursion” and regret that the decision is to the disadvantage of the population of Mulonde and its surroundings, who were hoping for an opening up following the lack of reliable road infrastructure.

According to the priests, no plane landing has been recorded on the runway being rehabilitated in Mulonde which would endanger the national security of the country. To this end, they call for a high sense of patriotism among the Congolese to preserve peace, unity and social cohesion.

In his letter addressed to the civil aviation authorities, Moïse Katumbi specified that the runway will be “graciously transferred to the Régie des Voies Aerials (RVA)”.


2024-10-07 17:44:16
#Mulonde #affair #Catholic #Church #supports #Moïse #Katumbi #face #accusations

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Analysis: Moïse Katumbi’s Ambitious Move in DR Congo

Recently, I came across a news article that caught my attention, highlighting the actions of Moïse Katumbi, a prominent figure in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). According to the article, Katumbi undertook the rehabilitation of an airstrip in Mulonde, Kamfwa groupement, in Pweto territory without obtaining prior authorization from the authorities.

As I delved deeper into Katumbi’s background, I found that he is not only a successful businessman but also a well-known football boss, having run for the presidency of the DRC in the past. In fact, in 2023, he announced his candidacy for the presidential election, promising to overhaul security and steer eastern DR Congo towards long-awaited stability [[1]].

Katumbi’s history in politics is quite intriguing. Back in 2018, he was blocked from entering the DRC, which raised concerns about his ability to participate in the presidential election at the time [[2]]. However, he was determined to return to his home country to contest the elections, as reported by Forbes Africa [[3]].

Now, with his recent move to rehabilitate the airstrip in Mulonde, Katumbi is once again making headlines. This bold action demonstrates his commitment to developing the infrastructure in the DRC, particularly in rural areas. However, the fact that he did not obtain prior authorization from the authorities raises questions about his approach to governance.

While Katumbi’s intentions may be good, his actions highlight the complexities of governance in the DRC. As a presidential candidate, Katumbi needs to demonstrate his ability to work within the established framework of governance, rather than taking unilateral actions.

Moïse Katumbi’s move to rehabilitate the airstrip in Mulonde is a bold but complex gesture. While it showcases his commitment to development, it also raises concerns about his approach to governance. As the DRC continues to navigate its way through the challenges of governance and stability, figures like Katumbi will be closely watched by the international community and the people of the DRC.


[1] https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-67680008

[2] https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/8/3/opposition-leader-moise-katumbi-blocked-from-entering-drc

[3] https://www.forbes.com/sites/mfonobongnsehe/2018/07/31/dr-congo-multi-millionaire-moise-katumbi-seeks-to-return-home-to-contest-elections/



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