Unexpected things, changes and emotional nerves – 2024-07-04 15:36:11

Unexpected things, changes and emotional nerves
 – 2024-07-04 15:36:11


As today is one of those days when your mind is racing with the Moon moving into your communication sector in Gemini, try not to do things that add to your nervousness and anxiety. Even watch how much coffee you drink so you don’t become even more nervous or anxious. From today Mercury moves into Leo and gives power to your voice. It will facilitate your contacts and your movements. It will help promote your work, but also have a more pleasant everyday life. Children’s issues will concern you more if you are parents. The Moon’s sexx with Mercury in Leo in the followingnoon can bring you a very nice idea or a heavenly solution to a problem that may be bothering you.


The Moon meets Uranus in conjunction in the morning, a dynamic aspect that creates a more nervous framework in which you have to move and of course for those born in the third decade there may be unexpected scenarios during the day. Along the way, it will move into Gemini in the followingnoon, a more neutral position for your sign and with an emphasis on the practicalities of work and finances. From today, Mercury moves into Leo, directing your attention to home and family, but also to your new beginnings. In the followingnoon, the Moon’s sexx with Mercury also forms, which creates a very effective framework if you focus on what you have to do and concentrate on your priorities. You yourself won’t believe how productive you can be today. The only thing to avoid is impulse spending.


Today is a dynamic day for your sign, but also extremely nervous as the Moon, before passing through your sign in the followingnoon, forms a conjunction with Uranus in the morning hours from Taurus. It may be difficult to contain your nervousness during the day. On the other hand, there may be some unexpected things in your day that you have to deal with dynamically. Neptune retrograde in Pisces invites you to think regarding your goals and dreams. How close or far is your daily life from what you desire? What can you do to maybe change some things especially in the work area? Of course these questions will not be answered today. But perhaps the day will give you food for thought regarding the direction of your life. Today pay attention to relationships, health, work and also do not make a hasty decision regarding the future of your work. From today, however, you will have help mainly in communication, as your ruler Mercury moves into Leo and favors contacts, negotiations, conversations and even travel.


With so much energy in a behind-the-scenes but also psychological house of your Solar horoscope, as the Moon will be from the followingnoon in the previous sign from yours, Gemini, it is possible that on the one hand there will be a mobility in matters that operate secretly, even even if you yourself are participating, while it is likely to be one of these days that people at work approach you to tell you something or reveal something to you regarding others. Try to generally stay aloof, don’t engage in gossip, and certainly don’t do what you wouldn’t want done to you. The entry of Mercury into Leo from today will direct your interest to the practical matters of your work and finances until 07/26. On the other hand, with the Moon’s sexx with Mercury, people may come to you either to find solutions for them or to give them advice, even of a financial nature.


The morning hours are more volatile and if you are born in the third decade you may have quite a lot of unexpected things in your schedule, but also face a nervous atmosphere in your workplace. Don’t add fuel to the fire if you see that tensions with partners are rising in the morning hours. With the Moon in Gemini from the followingnoon onwards, it’s a good time to prioritize your own goals, my dear Leos, without constantly worrying regarding someone else. When was the last time you laughed your heart out, discussed something without breaking down? To feel carefree even for an hour? That should be a goal for tonight. Talk to friends (not regarding work and problems once more), stop worrying regarding tomorrow for a while (because worrying doesn’t gain anything) and see how you can have some fun in whatever way you choose to do it. Today, however, Mercury also moves into your sign, which will remain until 26/07, giving more power to your voice. You will be favored in contacts, discussions, agreements, movements.


Another day when the pressure at work or in any of your obligations can bother you more. On the other hand, you may need to see how your presence and work are perceived by your colleagues. It doesn’t hurt to have an idea of ​​the appeal your work has so you can improve on anything that might not be going the way you want it to. In the morning hours with the Moon-Uranus conjunction you will do well to be a little more flexible in your schedule. Also avoid getting into tensions with people from your workplace or family over subjective opinions. Today, however, the ruler of your sign, Mercury, moves into Leo. From his new position, you may feel a little more stressed in your daily life, while you may also make secret contacts and discussions or even financial agreements.


With the Moon-Uranus conjunction in the morning hours you may feel resentful especially towards a person you may be working with. Maybe you need to express your grievances in a way, or even maybe you need to get him to see your point of view in your own way if you want to help. But some people don’t like to find solutions to their problems because they feel “empty” followingwards. If you have fallen into this situation I don’t think there is much you can do, maybe only one thing: save your own energy. Pay special attention to financial transactions if you were born in the third decade. From the followingnoon the Moon moves into Gemini and becomes friendlier to your sign. Today, Mercury, the planet of communication, is also changing signs, moving into your friendly Leo, turning your attention to the groups you participate in, partners, friends, and your goals for the future.


Another “crazy” day dawns with the Moon conjunct Uranus in the morning hours. So the context in which you have to move is somewhat unpredictable and sometimes particularly nerve-wracking. It is not improbable that today there will be some revelation regarding a relationship. You probably also feel that you have been at fault somewhere or that things didn’t go as planned and you missed something along the way. The next few days that are more friendly to your sign will be more helpful to resolve some issues. Even today, some financial issues may play an important role, as the Moon moves into Gemini from the followingnoon onwards. From today Mercury also moves into Leo, i.e. in the field of career until 07/26. This will be the most ambitious but at the same time nervous period of July for you.


Many different things may be happening around you today demanding your attention either at work or even at home. And although you are very capable of accomplishing everything and even at the same time, today is one of the days when it is possible that something escapes you or that you do not have time to do what you want or that your attention is disturbed by what happens unexpectedly. The Moon will be in the sign of Taurus forming a conjunction with Uranus thus contributing to the nervous climate of the day. So try to be flexible in your schedule without stress and panic and in the end you will manage to find some time to share it with your partner or family in the followingnoon hours when the Moon will move into Gemini. From today, it moves into Leo and Mercury, creating better conditions in your communication and contacts with others.


Another day when work can seem like a mountain to you, either because you don’t have the required energy to do it or because you are distracted by various things happening in your workplace and you can’t concentrate on what you need to do. The Moon in conjunction with Uranus in the morning can also create a tendency to have distance in your opinions and ideas with your partners. On the other hand, it is a day when you would do well to find a way out in a little exercise, even a little walking, something that will naturally expel nervousness and tension from your body. Of course, health and fitness issues will also concern you, but you will find solutions. From today we have the first planetary change of July as Mercury, the regulator of communication and to a certain extent of our everyday life, moves into Leo and directs your attention to financial matters. Until 26/07 you may have discussions, negotiations, financial agreements.


The conjunction of the Moon with the Uranus in the morning hours shows greater nervousness today and you must choose your words carefully towards a person either at work or at home, because your intention may be different and ultimately the situation will be very shaped different from what you originally calculated. In general, the best tactic with this aspect is to distance yourself. Take the right distance, observe more and let those odd hours pass until the followingnoon when the Moon moves into your friendly Gemini if ​​you want to have a very serious conversation. Today there may be unexpected news regarding your finances. From today it moves into Leo and Mercury increasing contacts and daily conversations, discussions, meetings, transactions with others until 26/07.


The expression “I’m sitting on hot coals” can be felt on your skin today, as there is an atmosphere of tension or even anxiety regarding a development in the morning hours. You may still feel more nervous and impatient. Try to channel your energy into something productive and don’t pass it on to others. With the Moon in Gemini from the followingnoon, you may be concerned regarding various things that happen either at work or at home. At the same time, the Moon’s sextile to Mercury shows that you may find an edge with something professional or with a health issue that may concern you. Today we also have the first planetary change of July, as Mercury moves into Leo and until 07/26 increases the volume of your obligations and work and requires you to be organized and disciplined.

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#Unexpected #emotional #nerves



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