Unexpected Revelations: The Startling Rate of Smoking Among Expecting Mothers

2024-09-09 01:04:24

It is common knowledge that pregnant women should avoid smoking and consuming alcohol during their pregnancy, otherwise they risk serious consequences for their health and that of their unborn child.

A study published on Monday, September 9 by Santé publique France nevertheless shows that among mothers of children aged 5 or under in 2021, “13% of them say they smoked throughout their pregnancy.”

According to this study, which is based on the statements of 1,302 mothers and 157 pregnant women, almost a quarter of them (24%) were smoking when they found out they were pregnant. In detail, 45% said they stopped as soon as they found out they were pregnant or during their pregnancy, but 51% said they reduced the amount they smoked without stopping and 4% said they neither stopped nor reduced their consumption.

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These proportions have not changed significantly compared to the 2017 estimates, the latest, the public agency observed.

“A number of women and children affected that is far from anecdotal”

For alcohol consumption during pregnancy, it appeared “a downward trend compared to the situation in 2017”according to the authors of the study. Thus, 93% of mothers of a young child reported in 2021 that they had never drunk alcohol during their last pregnancy after learning they were pregnant, a figure up from 2017 (88%).

“But 7% said they had drunk, even if it was just a few sips.” : 6% said they consumed alcohol only on special occasions and less than 1% more than once a month.

The survey from which the data originated has limitations, acknowledged by the authors of the study: it is based on declarations, potentially biased by a concern for “social desirability” on a “sensitive subject” or by imprecise memory. And it does not target only pregnant women or mothers of young children, so estimates for this category are based on a small sample.

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But the estimate of tobacco consumption during pregnancy is close to the results of another perinatal survey from 2021, that of alcohol consumption appearing slightly higher.

Faced with this observation, Public Health France judges “It is important to continue prevention efforts and to support women who may be struggling with substance use during their pregnancy, because the number of women and children affected is far from insignificant.”.

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list 10 possible consequences for​ smoking ⁢and drinking alcohol during pregnancy,

The Risks of Smoking During Pregnancy: A‍ Growing Concern

It is well-established that pregnant women should avoid smoking and consuming⁤ alcohol during pregnancy‍ to prevent ⁢serious health consequences for themselves and their unborn‍ children. ⁣However, ‍a​ recent study by Santé publique France reveals that a significant number⁤ of women continue to smoke during pregnancy, putting their health and that of their children at risk.

According to the study, 13% of mothers of children aged 5 or under in ​2021 reported smoking⁢ throughout their pregnancy. This is a concerning trend, as⁣ smoking during pregnancy can​ lead to various​ health risks, including miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth, and sudden infant death syndrome (cot​ death) [[1]]. Bleeding in late ⁢pregnancy is also a ⁣potential complication.

The study also ⁢found that almost a quarter‍ of the women (24%) were smoking when they found out they were pregnant. While 45% of them stopped smoking as soon as ‌they found out they ​were pregnant or during​ their pregnancy,⁢ 51% reduced their smoking⁤ without stopping, and 4% neither stopped⁢ nor reduced their⁤ consumption.

It is worth noting that these proportions have not changed ⁣significantly since 2017, indicating a lack ⁣of progress in addressing this issue. However, there is some good news: the study ‍found a downward trend in alcohol consumption during pregnancy, with 93% of mothers reporting that they had‌ never drunk alcohol during their last pregnancy‍ after learning they were pregnant.

The Dangers of Smoking During Pregnancy

Smoking during pregnancy can have⁤ serious consequences for the health​ of both the mother and the⁤ child. In addition to the health risks mentioned earlier,⁤ smoking can also increase the risk of premature birth,⁣ low birth ⁢weight, and respiratory problems in children.

Moreover, smoking can also affect the child’s development and behavior. Children born to‍ mothers who smoked during pregnancy may be‍ more likely‌ to have attention‍ deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other‌ behavioral problems.

Quitting Smoking During Pregnancy

While the risks of smoking during pregnancy are well-documented, ⁤quitting can be challenging for many women. However, it is essential to seek help and support to ​quit smoking during pregnancy.

Approximately 54% of women ⁢who smoke before pregnancy quit‍ smoking directly before ⁢or during pregnancy [[3]]. This highlights the importance of ‌providing support and resources to pregnant women to help them quit smoking.


The study ⁣by Santé publique France serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing smoking during pregnancy. While some progress has been made in reducing alcohol⁤ consumption during pregnancy, more⁢ needs to⁤ be done to address the issue of smoking.

Pregnant women should be aware‍ of the risks‌ associated ​with smoking during pregnancy and seek⁢ help and support to quit smoking. Healthcare providers and policymakers must also work‍ together to provide resources ‌and support to⁤ pregnant women to help them quit smoking and reduce the risks associated with it.





list 10 possible consequences for smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy,

The Dangers of Smoking and Drinking During Pregnancy

It is well-established that pregnant women should avoid smoking and consuming alcohol during their pregnancy to prevent serious health consequences for both themselves and their unborn child. However, a recent study published by Santé publique France reveals that a significant number of women continue to engage in these harmful behaviors during pregnancy.

The Risks of Smoking During Pregnancy

Smoking during pregnancy poses significant risks to both the mother and the baby. According to the National Health Service (NHS), every cigarette smoked contains over 4,000 chemicals, many of which are dangerous [[1]]. These chemicals can harm the unborn baby and increase the risk of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth, and sudden infant death syndrome (cot death) [[3]]. Additionally, smoking during pregnancy can also lead to bleeding in late pregnancy and premature birth.

It is recommended that pregnant women completely stop smoking as early in pregnancy as possible[[[2]]. However, the study found that 13% of mothers of children aged 5 or under in 2021 reported smoking throughout their pregnancy, with 24% of them smoking when they found out they were pregnant. While 45% of these women stopped smoking as soon as they found out they were pregnant or during their pregnancy, 51% reduced the amount they smoked without stopping, and 4% did not stop or reduce their consumption.

The Risks of Drinking During Pregnancy

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can also have devastating consequences for the baby. According to the study, 7% of mothers of young children reported drinking alcohol during their pregnancy, with 6% consuming alcohol only on special occasions and less than 1% drinking more than once a month. While the study found a downward trend in alcohol consumption during pregnancy compared to 2017, it is still a significant concern.

The Importance of Prevention Efforts

The study highlights the need for continued prevention efforts and support for women who may be struggling with substance use during their pregnancy. Public Health France emphasized that the number of women and children affected by smoking and drinking during pregnancy is far from anecdotal, and it is essential to continue raising awareness about the risks associated with these behaviors.


Smoking and drinking during pregnancy can have serious consequences for both the mother and the baby. It is crucial that pregnant women avoid these harmful behaviors and seek support if they need help quitting. By continuing to raise awareness about the risks associated with smoking and drinking during pregnancy, we can work towards a healthier future for mothers and babies alike.


[1] NHS. (n.d.). Stop smoking in pregnancy. Retrieved from

[2] MotherToBaby. (n.d.). Cigarette Smoke. Retrieved from

[3] HSE. (n.d.). Smoking during pregnancy. Retrieved from



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