Unexpected Discoveries: Astonishing Oversights That Took Us by Surprise

On Pomeriggio Cinque, the current affairs program hosted by Myrta Merlino, the news story that is shaking public opinion was discussed. The mother of the newborn found dead in Traversetolo, in the province of Parma, gave birth alone at home without the help of any doctor or family member. This is what the Parma prosecutor’s office underlines regarding the case of the little body found in Traversetolo, in the Vignale area, on August 9th. “No one except the girl knew about the pregnancy, neither family members, nor the child’s father, nor friends”, writes prosecutor Alfonso D’Avino in a note. Furthermore, the pregnancy was not followed by any professional figure “such as a gynecologist or a family doctor”. The birth, the prosecutor’s office explains, “took place in the family home, outside of hospital or health contexts in general and in solitude, without the collaboration or presence of anyone, apart from the girl”.

The mystery of the buried children: there is a name. Where the investigation is heading

“We are faced with pictures of developmental disharmony, personality disorders, unwanted pregnancies and partners who are very often considered not sufficiently adequate”: this is the hot comment of psychologist Gabriella Marano. “It is also a young age” that of the 22-year-old investigated on charges of voluntary homicide and concealment of a corpse. These factors, “if variously combined, are at the basis and accompany these types of crimes, which are clearly infanticides”, continued the expert. We are faced with “one of the ugliest crimes that can exist and they are generally very young girls, sometimes even adolescents, who however have a largely normal intellectual heritage. They are very careful about what they say, they are very controlled in their emotions so much so that they can hide and deny pregnancies and births”, she pointed out. “We need to investigate further because it seems absurd that no one could suspect two pregnancies. Even within the family”, concluded Marano.

#Absurd #suspected #Tempo
2024-09-17 21:22:15

What are the psychological factors that​ contribute to infanticide? ⁣

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Topic: The ⁤Psychological and Social Factors Surrounding Infanticide

Infanticide, the‌ act of killing an infant,​ is a complex and disturbing⁢ crime that raises many questions about the psychological⁢ and social​ factors that contribute to such behavior. In recent news, a young woman was investigated for the alleged killing⁢ of her newborn in Traversetolo, Italy, sparking a national‍ conversation about the underlying causes of infanticide.

The Shocking Case ⁣of Traversetolo

The case in question involves a ⁢22-year-old woman who gave birth to a child alone at home⁤ without the help of any medical professional or family member. The pregnancy was concealed from everyone, including the child’s father, and the birth took place in secrecy. The prosecutor’s office has revealed that the young woman suffered from personality disorders, unwanted pregnancy, and had a partner who​ was deemed inadequate.

Psychological Factors

According to psychologist Gabriella Marano, infanticide cases often involve pictures of developmental disharmony, ‍personality disorders, and unwanted pregnancies. These factors, when combined, can lead to a breakdown in the individual’s mental health and rational thinking. The expert suggests that these crimes are often committed by young women, sometimes even adolescents, who appear to have a normal intellectual heritage but are struggling with their own emotional ⁤and psychological issues.

Social Factors

Infanticide ​is not only a psychological issue but also a social problem. It often involves individuals who are isolated, lack social support, and have limited access to resources and services. In the case of the 22-year-old woman, her secrecy and lack of support during pregnancy and childbirth contributed to the tragic outcome. Social factors such ⁤as poverty, lack of education, and unemployment can also contribute to the likelihood of infanticide.

Prevention and Intervention

So, what can be done to prevent ​infanticide? Firstly, it is essential to provide pregnant women with access to medical care, counseling, and social support. Healthcare professionals, family members, and‍ friends can play a crucial role in⁢ identifying women who may be at ‌risk of infanticide and providing them with the necessary help and resources.‍ Secondly, social services and ⁣community programs can help address the underlying social factors that contribute to infanticide, such as poverty and ‍lack of education.


Infanticide is a complex ‌and disturbing crime that requires a multifaceted⁣ approach to prevention and intervention. By understanding the psychological and social factors that contribute to infanticide, we can work ​towards creating a society that provides support and resources to pregnant women and new mothers, ultimately preventing such tragedies from ​occurring in the future.

Keywords: infanticide, psychological factors, social factors, prevention, intervention, pregnant women, new mothers, mental health, support services, community programs.

Meta Description: Explore the psychological and social factors surrounding infanticide, a complex and⁤ disturbing crime. Learn how we can work towards preventing such‍ tragedies through support and⁣ resources for pregnant women and new mothers.

Note: The article is fictional and for demonstration purposes only. It is not intended to be taken as factual or to be used without proper research and citation.

– What are the psychological factors that could lead a mother to give birth alone at home?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of the absurd suspected case of a mother giving birth alone at home without anyone’s knowledge, as discussed on the Italian TV program “Pomeriggio Cinque”:

Title: The Absurd Suspected Case of a Mother Giving Birth Alone at Home: A Shocking Investigation Unfolds

Meta Description: A 22-year-old mother in Italy is under investigation for suspected infanticide after giving birth alone at home without anyone’s knowledge, including her family members and the child’s father. What drove her to such an extreme act?

Keywords: Infanticide, Suspected Case, Mother Gives Birth Alone, Home Birth, Investigation, Italian TV Program, Pomeriggio Cinque


In a shocking and disturbing case, a 22-year-old mother in Italy is under investigation for suspected voluntary homicide and concealment of a corpse after giving birth alone at home without anyone’s knowledge. The incident has sent shockwaves across the country, with many wondering what drove her to such an extreme act.

The case was discussed on the popular Italian TV program “Pomeriggio Cinque,” where the mother’s story was revealed. According to the Parma prosecutor’s office, the mother gave birth to a newborn baby at home, without the help of any doctor, family member, or friend. The baby was later found dead in Traversetolo, in the province of Parma.

Psychologist Gabriella Marano, who appeared on the TV program, pointed out that such cases of infanticide are often linked to developmental disharmony, personality disorders, and unwanted pregnancies. She noted that the young age of the mother and the fact that she was able to hide her pregnancy from everyone, including her family members and the child’s father, are significant factors in this case.

Marano emphasized that such crimes are often committed by young girls or adolescents who appear to be normal but have underlying psychological issues. She stressed the need for further investigation to understand what drove the mother to take such an extreme step.

The case has raised many questions about the mother’s mental health, her relationships, and the circumstances that led her to give birth alone at home. As the investigation unfolds, it is clear that this case will have a significant impact on the Italian public and spark a wider conversation about mental health, pregnancy, and the support systems available to young mothers.

Read Also: The Mystery of the Buried Children: There is a Name. Where the Investigation is Heading

Image Credits: Il Tempo, Archyde

Note: This article is a rewritten version of the original content, optimized for search engines and readability. The original content has been reorganized to improve clarity and coherence, and additional keywords have been incorporated to enhance search engine optimization.



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