Unexpected Detention: Reviving Obsolete Laws in a Digital Age

In a lengthy Telegram message, his first reaction after his arrest, Pave Durov called it “surprising” to be held accountable for content posted by other people. “Using pre-smartphone laws to accuse a CEO of crimes committed by third parties on the platform he runs is a misguided approach,” the 39-year-old billionaire said. He also denounced claims that “Telegram is some kind of anarchist paradise,” calling them “absolutely false.” “We remove millions of malicious messages and channels every day,” he insisted.

Secret offer to Durov, Macron's maneuvers for Telegram: the bombshell behind the scenes from the US

Durov denied France’s accusations that Paris had not received answers from Telegram to its requests. The Russian said he personally helped French authorities “create a hotline with Telegram to address the terrorist threat in France.” Taking a more conciliatory tone at the end of his message, Durov acknowledged that the sharp increase in Telegram’s user base — which he now estimates at 950 million worldwide — had created a situation that had “made it easier for criminals to abuse our platform.” “That’s why I have set myself a personal goal to ensure that things improve significantly in this regard,” he promised, adding that the issue was being analyzed “internally” and that more details would be announced in the future.

France Frees Telegram Founder. But Bail Is Excessive

“I hope that the events of August will allow Telegram, and the social media industry as a whole, to become safer and stronger,” he said. He concluded that if Telegram could not find an agreement with local regulators on “the right balance between privacy and security,” then “we would be ready to leave the country.”

#Surprising #arrest #presmartphone #laws #Tempo
2024-09-06 14:06:12
Telegram‍ CEO Pavel Durov Speaks‌ Out on Arrest ​and ‍Content Moderation

In a surprising turn of events, ​Telegram CEO Pavel Durov⁢ was arrested‌ and later released on bail, sparking controversy and debate ​over the platform’s ⁣content moderation policies. In a ⁣lengthy Telegram message, Durov⁤ broke his silence on ‍the matter,⁤ addressing the French authorities’ accusations and shedding‌ light on the company’s efforts to combat malicious activity on the platform.

A Misguided Approach

Durov expressed surprise at being held accountable for​ content ⁣posted by third parties on the platform, calling it a “misguided approach” to use “pre-smartphone​ laws” to accuse a CEO of crimes ⁢committed by⁤ others.⁣ The ⁢39-year-old ‌billionaire emphasized that Telegram removes millions of malicious‍ messages and channels every ‌day,​ dispelling claims that the platform is an “anarchist paradise.”

Cooperation with French Authorities

Contrary ‍to French authorities’ claims, Durov denied that Paris had not received ‍answers ⁢from Telegram to its requests. In‍ fact, he revealed that he personally​ helped French authorities create a hotline with Telegram ⁣to address the ⁣terrorist threat in France.

A Growing Concern

Durov⁢ acknowledged that the sharp increase in Telegram’s ⁤user base, which now estimates 950 million worldwide, had created a situation that had‍ “made it easier for criminals ​to abuse our ⁤platform.”⁣ He took a conciliatory tone, promising to improve⁤ the platform’s content moderation and⁣ announcing that the issue was being⁢ analyzed “internally,” with more​ details to be announced in the future.

A Personal‌ Goal

In a rare display ⁤of​ introspection, Durov set a personal goal to ensure that things improve significantly in terms of content moderation⁣ on Telegram. His commitment to⁢ addressing the issue ‍head-on ‍marks a significant shift in the company’s approach to dealing with malicious activity on the ‌platform.

The Bigger Picture

The controversy surrounding Durov’s arrest highlights the ongoing struggle between tech companies and governments ⁤to balance free ‌speech with online safety. As social media⁢ platforms continue to grow in influence, it is crucial for ‍companies like ⁢Telegram‌ to prioritize content ‍moderation and work closely with authorities to prevent the spread of harmful content.

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Optimized‍ Keywords:

Pavel Durov


‍ Arrest

⁢Content Moderation


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Telegram ‌CEO⁢ Pavel Durov speaks out on his arrest and the platform’s content moderation policies. Read his latest ‌statement on the company’s⁤ efforts to ⁣combat malicious activity and his personal goal to improve online safety.

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H1: Telegram CEO‌ Pavel Durov Speaks Out on Arrest and‌ Content Moderation

H2: A Misguided Approach

H2: Cooperation ⁣with ⁤French Authorities

H2: A Growing Concern

H2:⁣ A Personal Goal

H2: The Bigger Picture



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