Unemployment at its lowest, Florian Philippot throws in the towel, Jean-Yves Le Drian curbs the PS … The political news of the day

Le World keeps the synopsis of the campaign for the presidential election of 2022: a daily update, published at 7 p.m., looks back on the political events of the past day and discusses the appointments to come.

  • News of the day: unemployment at its lowest since 2008

The timing could not have been better for Emmanuel Macron. Less than two months from the presidential election, and a few days from having to announce his candidacy, the head of state can boast of a very favorable employment situation. In the fourth quarter of 2021, the number of unemployed, as defined by the International Labor Office, fell by 189,000 compared to the previous three months, and now rises to 2.239 million, according to statistics published this Friday morning by the National Institute of statistics and economic studies (INSEE). The unemployment rate fell by 0.6 points to 7.4%, the lowest ratio since 2008. This indicator is close to the target that Emmanuel Macron had set at the start of his five-year term: down to 7% in 2022.

“No one imagined that we could have such results coming out of one of the most serious economic crises we have known in recent decades”said the Minister of Labor, Elisabeth Borne, on France Inter, also boasting of a youth unemployment rate at its lowest “for almost forty years”. “Contrary to what all the Cassandres say, morning, noon and night, the French economy is doing very well”added his counterpart from Bercy, Bruno Le Maire.

This news comes two days after the publication of the report of the Court of Auditors which warned against the significant expenditure of the plan 1 young person, 1 solution, whose objective was the employment of the under 25s. The situation of this category of the population has certainly been “preserved”even improved, but the effectiveness of certain measures questions in view of the sums spent, according to the high court.

Read also: The Court of Auditors considers the government’s budgetary recovery path “uncertain”

Every Friday, the cartoonist Aurel gives us his eye on the presidential campaign. This week, a look back at Ségolène Royal’s support for Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s candidacy. This week, cartoonist Aurel returns to the sentence of Ségolène Royal which disturbed the Socialist Party. The former PS candidate in the 2007 presidential election said on Wednesday evening that “the useful vote on the left is Jean-Luc Mélenchon”. An outing that inspired Aurel this week.

  • The sentence of the day: Jean-Yves Le Drian pays the Socialist Party

“The PS is unfortunately closer to burial than resurrection”

Foreign Minister and former socialist leader Jean-Yves Le Drian estimated this morning on LCI that the Socialist Party (PS) is « sadly closer to burial than resurrection”. He was an activist for forty-four years, then elected in Brittany under the PS label before joining Emmanuel Macron in 2017. “Unfortunately, Anne Hidalgo takes the remains of an approach which was deadly and which began at the time of the slingers under the Holland quinquennium”added Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister of Defense throughout the previous presidential term, from 2012 to 2017.

During our last electoral survey, carried out between February 3 and 7 by Ipsos-Sopra Steria in partnership with the Sciences Po Political Research Center (Cevipof) and the Jean-Jaurès Foundation, Anne Hidalgo was credited with only 2, 5% of voting intentions. On the left, only Philippe Poutou (New Anti-Capitalist Party) and Nathalie Arthaud (Worker’s Struggle) obtain a lower score, at 1% and 0.5% respectively.

Read also: Anne Hidalgo is the candidate of a PS that has become a dead star, where we don’t even debate anymore

Like the only sponsorship received to date by Florian Philippot, the founder of the Les Patriotes movement. The former number two of the National Front, which he left in 2017, has since become one of the political figures of the opposition to health measures against Covid-19, has finally decided to throw in the towel. He announced on Friday afternoon that he was withdrawing his candidacy for the presidential election on April 10 and 24. “Faced with a totally locked and flawed sponsorship system”, Mr Philippot “take note”, in a press release, “the impossibility of going to the end of his candidacy for the presidential election announced last July, the day after President Macron’s terrible intervention on the health pass”.

At the last score, Thursday, of the Constitutional Council, Florian Philippot had obtained only one sponsorship, that of Nadine Bienfait-Loisel, mayor of Yville-sur-Seine (Seine-Maritime), who like him denounces a health dictatorship”. But he does not call, at this stage, to vote for another candidate – before an online consultation of the members of the Patriots, who would be 36,000, according to him.

  • The campaign in the archives of “Le Monde”

On February 18, 2012, journalist Vanessa Schneider reports on the first meeting of outgoing President Nicolas Sarkozy. For several months, the head of state at the time did not want to declare himself, waiting for the final weeks of the campaign to enter the arena. It was done on February 16, 2012, when he spoke in Annecy, in front of around 4,000 activists. To galvanize his troops, the right-wing candidate attacked without naming François Hollande, his socialist competitor, ahead of him in the polls.

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Accused by several other candidates, such as MM. Bayrou and Hollande, to right his speech to seduce the voters of Marine Le Pen, the Head of State denies it. “I never addressed right-wing France against left-wing France. My duty is to speak to all French people. » A few days before this speech, Mr. Sarkozy had proposed a referendum on the rights of the unemployed and on illegal immigration.

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Saturday February 19

Displacements. Eric Zemmour is organizing a meeting in the middle of the afternoon in Ardevon (Manche), in front of Mont-Saint-Michel. This will be the first time that Nicolas Bay, the former spokesperson for Marine Le Pen and the latest recruit for Reconquest!, will be able to campaign publicly with the former CNews columnist.

Valérie Pécresse, the candidate Les Républicains, will present her proposals for sport at 3 p.m. to an assembly of players in the sector, in Paris.

Sunday February 20

In the post. Eric Zemmour is the guest of the “Grand Rendez-vous Europe 1-CNews-The echoes » at 10 o’clock. Health Minister Olivier Véran is the guest of the “Grand Jury RTL-Le Figaro-LCI” at noon. At the same time, Marine Le Pen is expected on the set of “Political Questions” on Franceinfo and France Inter, in partnership with The world. The MP for Pas-de-Calais will be questioned until 1 p.m.

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