2023-05-17 09:17:22
May 17, 2023
Don’t isolate yourself. “There are still ‘tools’ or methods to try to keep morale up for as long as possible. Trust is built step by step. argues psychologist Julie Reiter, on her website. Which first highlights the importance of not isolating oneself and maintaining social ties during periods of unemployment. A link that can “also strategically give you a lead or allow you to find a job. Don’t be ashamed to say you’re looking for a job. Be even clear in your request, you never know! », continues the specialist.
Stay… active! Or more precisely in action. Do you like to walk or run? Take advantage of this time and put aside a possible – and unwelcome – bad conscience. And why not get involved with an association, as a volunteer? You will find something to punctuate sometimes long days, while feeling useful and belonging to a collective.
No comparison. If it can boost some people, the comparison to others can also have perverse effects. As it happens, “to devalue oneself and create a form of pressure, often unfounded”, relate the representatives of Pôle Emploi. “By comparing ourselves to others, we only see what they choose to show us, most often their accomplishments and successes.” What create or even exacerbate a form of frustration.
Think positive! On a daily basis, take a handful of minutes to identify the positive elements of the day. Or relating to past actions: for example projects completed, compliments that have been addressed to you, on your work or your personality. And above all, write them down in a notebook or on your phone, on a dedicated note. And don’t hesitate to re-read as often as possible!
#Unemployed #keys #maintaining #selfconfidence