Unemployed beneficiaries for upskilling and retraining programs in digital and green skills increase – 2024-08-04 06:35:03

Her increase in the number of unemployed beneficiaries and the budget of the project “Upskilling and retraining programs in high-demand industries with a focus on digital and green skills”, which is financed by the Recovery and Resilience Fund (RAF) announced the Minister of Labor and Social Security Adonis Georgiadis and the Deputy Minister of National Economy and Finance Nikos Papathanasis.

Specifically, the unemployed beneficiaries increase from 150,000 to up to 250,000, with a corresponding increase in the project budget from 303,074,800 euros to 504,149,200 euros.

The project concerns the provision of vocational training programs to the unemployed with the aim of upgrading their skills (upskilling) and reskilling them (reskilling) in digital and green skills as well as in financial literacy skills, in order to reduce the mismatch of the skills of the unemployed in relation to with the skills demanded by the labor market and to improve the employability of the beneficiaries.

The project will be implemented through the process of providing Vouchers to the beneficiaries, who will be selected through public invitations of the Ministry of the Interior. where the terms of implementation of each program will be determined. For the needs of the project, Registers of Training and Certification providers will be created, as will be provided in the Public Invitations.

The Minister of Labor and Social Security Adonis Georgiadis, stated that “the provision of quality vocational education and training services that meet the real needs of the labor market is of major importance for the future of work. The Ministry of Labor has the task of securing for the country’s workforce, the necessary funds for upskilling and reskilling programs in order to cover a wide range of market and society needs. It is very fortunate that the increase in the budget for the project funded by the Recovery and Resilience Fund enables us to continue these programs, giving the opportunity to even more beneficiaries to train in high-demand sectors. By emphasizing innovation, we invest in creating professionals who will lead the world of work into a promising future.”

From his side the Deputy Minister of National Economy and Finance Nikos Papathanasis, stressed that “the decision to increase the number of unemployed beneficiaries and the budget of the Upskilling and Retraining Program in high-demand sectors with an emphasis on digital and green skills, funded by the Recovery and Resilience Fund, is yet another practical proof of the strategic choice of the Government to combine development with social cohesion. In addition, the same decision underlines the role of European resources in achieving the goal of a dynamic productive and extroverted economy while strengthening social solidarity. It is also a mouth-watering response to all those who insist on using baseless accusations of alleged support for the few and powerful from the resources of the Recovery and Resilience Fund. We continue with the same determination and seriousness on the path of reforms for the benefit of society”.

It is noted that the Ministry of Responsibility for the Project is the Ministry of Labor and Social Security and the Implementing Body is DYPA (Public Employment Service).

The project is part of the action “New strategy for lifelong learning and the national upskilling system”, the axis “Strengthening the digital capabilities of education and the modernization of vocational education and training”, and the recovery pillar “Employment, Skills, Social Cohesion” » of TAA.

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