Unearthing Gold: The Bountiful Riches of Ertugrul Ghazi

Unearthing Gold: The Bountiful Riches of Ertugrul Ghazi

Turkish experts have discovered tons of gold deposits in the city of Ertugrul Ghazi, which are said to be worth billions of dollars.

According to the report of the French news agency, gold deposits worth billions of dollars have been discovered in the city of Soghut of Atgral Gazi in Turkey.

Turkey’s agricultural sector and head of Credit Corporate Co., Fahra Tin Poyers, confirmed that about 100 tons of gold deposits were discovered in the central western region of Sogut.

He said that ‘gold cases are estimated at 3.5 million ounces which is 99 tons and its value is more than 6 billion dollars’.

Fahra Tin Poizer said that ‘this gold will be obtained in the next two years, after which the money obtained from it will be spent on the country’s economy’.

Shares of the company recorded a 10% rise after the gold deposits were discovered.

According to the AFP report, Turkey’s Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Feth Dunmiz, announced in September that Turkey has produced 38 tons of gold this year, breaking the previous year’s record and plans to produce 100 tons of gold in the next five years. Set a target’.

According to the Turkish media report, the area of ​​Soghut is known as the city of Babi of Ottoman Empire and Ertugrul Ghazi, the father of Osman I. After the establishment of the Ottoman Empire, this area was designated as the first capital of the Ottoman Empire.

#Tons #gold #deposits #discovered #city #Ertugrul #Ghazi
2024-09-13 01:04:41

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Turkey’s Gold ‌Rush: Massive Discoveries Worth Billions⁢ of Dollars

Turkey has recently ⁣witnessed a series ⁢of massive​ gold discoveries, with estimates suggesting‍ that⁣ the value of⁣ these finds could reach billions of dollars.⁤ In this article, we will delve‌ into the details of these⁣ discoveries ‌and ‍explore ⁣the potential‌ impact on Turkey’s economy.

The discovery‍ in Agri province

In June 2021, Turkish Minister of Industry and Technology announced the discovery of a massive 20-ton gold reserve ⁤worth $1.2 billion in the eastern province of Agri [[1]].⁢ This significant find‍ is expected to contribute significantly⁤ to Turkey’s economy.

Ancient Greek city yields gold coins

In a separate discovery, a team of archaeologists‌ uncovered a pot overflowing with gold coins in an ancient Greek‌ city​ in western Turkey [[2]]. The⁣ coins, ‍featuring the figure of a kneeling archer, were found in a room beneath a home in⁢ Notion, an ancient Greek ‍city in western Turkey. This discovery sheds new light ​on the history of the region‌ and is a‍ testament to the rich cultural heritage of Turkey.

Persian​ Empire gold coins discovered

In another exciting find, ‌researchers discovered a “hoard ⁣of gold coins” ⁢from the Persian Empire in western Turkey ‍ [[3]]. The⁤ coins, discovered in the ancient Greek city of Notion, are a⁣ significant archaeological discovery and⁣ provide valuable insights into the⁤ history​ of the region.

The discovery​ in Soghut of Atgral Gazi

According ‌to reports, Turkish experts ‍have discovered tons of gold deposits in the city of Ertugrul ‍Ghazi, worth billions of dollars. The discovery, made in the central western ‍region of Sogut, is estimated to be around 100 tons of gold deposits, valued⁢ at more than⁢ 6 billion dollars. The head of Credit Corporate Co., Fahra Tin Poyers, confirmed the ‌discovery, stating that the gold will be obtained in the⁣ next two‍ years, with the proceeds to be spent on the country’s economy.

Impact on Turkey’s economy

The discovery of these massive gold deposits is expected to have a significant impact on‌ Turkey’s economy. The value ⁣of the gold deposits is estimated to ⁣be in the billions of⁣ dollars, which could provide a much-needed boost to the country’s economy. The proceeds from the gold deposits are expected to be spent on the country’s ​economy, ‍which could lead to increased investment in various sectors, ‍including infrastructure, education, and healthcare.


Turkey’s recent gold discoveries are a testament to‌ the country’s rich natural resources ‌and cultural heritage. The value of these ⁤discoveries is ⁣significant,⁣ and their impact on the country’s economy could be substantial. As ⁢Turkey continues to⁣ grow ‌and develop, these discoveries are a reminder of the country’s⁢ potential and its ability to attract investment ‌and talent from around the world.

Here are two PAA (People Also Ask) questions related to the title “Turkey’s Gold Rush: Massive Discoveries Worth Billions of Dollars”:

Turkey’s Gold Rush: Massive Discoveries Worth Billions of Dollars

Turkey has recently witnessed a series of massive gold discoveries, with estimates suggesting that the value of these finds could reach billions of dollars. In this article, we will delve into the details of these discoveries and explore the potential impact on Turkey’s economy.

The Discovery in Agri Province

In June 2021, Turkish Minister of Industry and Technology announced the discovery of a massive 20-ton gold reserve worth $1.2 billion in the eastern province of Agri [[1]]. This significant find is expected to contribute significantly to Turkey’s economy.

Ancient Greek City Yields Gold Coins

In a separate discovery, a team of archaeologists uncovered a pot overflowing with gold coins in an ancient Greek city in western Turkey [[2]]. The coins, featuring the figure of a kneeling archer, were found in a room beneath a home in Notion, an ancient Greek city in western Turkey. This discovery sheds new light on the history of the region and is a testament to the rich cultural heritage of Turkey.

Persian Empire Gold Coins Discovered

In another exciting find, researchers discovered a “hoard of gold coins” from the Persian Empire in western Turkey [[3]]. The coins, discovered in the ancient Greek city of Notion, are a significant archaeological discovery and provide valuable insights into the history of the region.

The Discovery in Soghut of Atgral Gazi

According to reports, Turkish experts have discovered tons of gold deposits in the city of Ertugrul Ghazi, worth billions of dollars. The discovery, made in the central western region of Sogut, is estimated to be around 100 tons of gold deposits, valued at more than 6 billion dollars. The head of Credit Corporate Co., Fahra Tin Poyers, confirmed the discovery, stating that the gold will be obtained in the next two years, with the proceeds to be spent on the country’s economy.

Impact on Turkey’s Economy

The discovery of these massive gold deposits is expected to have a significant impact on Turkey’s economy. The value of the gold deposits is estimated to be in the billions of dollars, which could provide a much-needed boost to the country’s economy. The proceeds from the gold deposits are expected to be spent on the country’s economy, which could lead to increased investment in various sectors, including infrastructure, education, and healthcare.

Turkey’s Gold Market

Gold plays a significant role in Turkey’s culture and economy. Turkey’s demand for gold is underpinned by a deep cultural heritage and is an important part of weddings



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