Unearthing Antarctica’s Mysteries: NASA’s IceNode Mission to Explore Hidden Depths Beneath Melting Ice Shelves

The IceNode prototype during its first deployment in 2022 under the ice in Lake Superior, Michigan. Photo: NASA / JPL-Caltech

A fleet of autonomous robots will soon be recording important parameters under Antarctic ice shelves in order to better understand the melting processes at the ice-water boundary. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory has already tested a first prototype in the Arctic.

How quickly is the Antarctic ice shelf melting and how quickly could this melting cause global sea levels to rise? These are the two central questions that the “IceNode” project at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) aims to help answer. In order to obtain the necessary data, the project team is currently developing autonomous underwater robots that will be able to measure in-situ melting rates at the ice-ocean interface on the underside of ice shelves.

No easy undertaking: The waters beneath the ice shelves that extend many kilometres into the Southern Ocean are among the most inaccessible places on our planet. Only in January of this year, during a research mission as part of the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration (ITGC), the autonomous underwater vehicle «Ran» lostFortunately, the mission was successful in 2022 and «Ran» collected for 27 days under the Dotson Ice Shelf valuable data about the topography of its underside.

IceNode follows a different concept: A whole fleet of autonomous underwater robots, distributed over a larger area, will measure melting rates over the long term and simultaneously. The idea is to deploy a swarm of IceNodes – each of the robots is 2.4 meters long and has a diameter of 25 centimeters – from the research ship at the edge of the ice shelf or through a borehole in the ice into the ocean. Since the robots have no propulsion, they will use artificial intelligence to use the currents to reach far under the ice. “IceNodes use advanced probabilistic AI control techniques and state-of-the-art ocean current models to control their depth so that they exploit different current layers and thus reach under their target,” says the project website.

The operational concept for IceNode. Image: NASA / JPL-Caltech

Measurements where ice, water and land meet

The researchers are particularly targeting the zone near the baseline, where floating ice shelves, ocean and land meet, as well as caves or depressions on the underside of the ice, where it may be melting most quickly.

Once they reach their destination, the robots will drop their ballast, rise and dock onto the ice using a three-legged “landing gear.” They can remain under the ice for up to a year, continuously measuring how quickly warm, salty ocean water rises to melt the ice and how quickly colder, less salty meltwater sinks.

At the end of their mission, the IceNodes will detach themselves from the ice, drift with the current towards the open ocean and transmit their data via satellite.

“These robots are a platform to deliver scientific instruments to the most inaccessible places on Earth,” said Paul Glick, a JPL robotics engineer and IceNode’s principal investigator, in a press release. “It’s intended to be a safe, relatively inexpensive solution to a difficult problem.”

Further advantages of this concept are that the IceNode fleet can be expanded as required and that it will provide, for the first time, a large-scale overview of the variability of the ice shelf melting rate and its influencing factors. Even a relatively small swarm of IceNodes could bring extremely high scientific benefits, the website states.

First tests successful

A prototype of IceNode has already proven its capabilities. After initial tests in Monterey Bay in California and in frozen Lake Superior, one of the Great Lakes, the project team deployed the robot under sea ice for the first time in March of this year.

The first polar test for IceNode in the Beaufort Sea north of Alaska in March 2024. Photos: US Navy / Scott Barnes

In the Beaufort Sea, he carried out measurements of salinity, temperature and currents down to a depth of 100 metres, but (still) not without a safety line to the surface.

“We are pleased with the progress. We hope to continue developing the prototypes, bring them to the Arctic for future tests under the sea ice, and eventually deploy the entire fleet under the Antarctic ice shelf,” said Glick. “This is valuable data that scientists need. Every step that brings us closer to that goal is exciting.”

It is not yet known when IceNode can be deployed for the first time under the ice shelf in Antarctica.

Julia Hager, Polar Journal AG

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Here‍ are some ‌PAA⁣ (People Also Ask)⁢ related questions regarding ⁣the IceNode project:

IceNode: Unveiling the ‍Secrets of Antarctic Ice Shelves with​ Autonomous⁤ Underwater‌ Robots

The IceNode project, developed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), is revolutionizing the way we understand the ‌melting processes of Antarctic ice shelves. By deploying a fleet of autonomous underwater robots, ‌IceNode ​aims to measure in-situ ⁤melting rates at the ⁢ice-ocean interface on the underside of ice ‌shelves, ‌providing critical insights into the impact of climate change on global sea levels.

The Challenge: Accessing⁢ Inaccessible Regions

The waters beneath Antarctic ice shelves, which extend many kilometers into the Southern Ocean, are ⁣among the most inaccessible places on our ‍planet. The ‍harsh environment and limited accessibility⁤ make ​it difficult for scientists to collect ‌data on the ‌melting processes. Recent research ​missions, ‌such as the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration (ITGC), have attempted to collect data using autonomous underwater ⁣vehicles like “Ran,” but these efforts are often ‌hindered by the loss of vehicles or limited data collection periods [[1]].

IceNode: A New Approach to Measuring Melting Rates

IceNode ⁣takes a different approach by deploying a‌ swarm of autonomous underwater ​robots, distributed over a larger area, to measure ‍melting rates​ over the long term ​and simultaneously. Each robot, 2.4 meters long and 25⁣ centimeters in diameter, will⁢ use artificial intelligence to exploit different current layers ‍and ⁤reach far under the ice, without the ​need for propulsion [[2]]. This innovative approach allows for the collection of critical data on the ice-water interface, where ice,⁤ water, and land meet.

The⁢ IceNode Platform

The IceNode platform will enable the scaling of this critical measurement by allowing the deployment of a fleet of IceNode vehicles from open ocean at the ice shelf front or through boreholes in the ice [[3]]. By leveraging advanced probabilistic AI control techniques and state-of-the-art ocean current models, the ‌robots will be ⁤able to control their depth⁣ and navigate the complex currents beneath the ice shelves.

Prototype Testing and Future Plans

A prototype of the IceNode ‌robot has already been tested in Lake Superior, Michigan, in 2022, with promising results ⁤ [[2]]. The ‌next step is​ to deploy the fleet of IceNodes in Antarctica, where they will collect valuable ⁤data on the melting ⁢processes of ice shelves. ⁢This data‍ will be crucial​ in understanding the impact ⁢of climate change on global sea levels and informing policies to mitigate its effects.


The IceNode project represents a ⁢significant breakthrough⁣ in the study of Antarctic ice ​shelves and ‌their role in climate⁢ change. By developing autonomous underwater robots ⁤that can measure ‌melting rates in-situ, ​IceNode is ⁤poised to revolutionize our⁢ understanding⁣ of the ice-water interface and provide critical insights ‌into the future of our⁣ planet.


[1] https://thwaitesglacier.org/index.php/news/new-view-how-ocean-melts-antarcticas-ice-shelves

[2] https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/images/pia26421-icenode-prototype-under-the-ice

[3] ​ https://www-robotics.jpl.nasa.gov/what-we-do/research-tasks/icenode/

What are the primary goals of NASA’s IceNode project in studying Antarctic ice shelves?

Unveiling IceNode: NASA’s Autonomous Underwater Robots to Study Antarctic Ice Shelves

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is developing a fleet of autonomous underwater robots, called IceNode, to study the melting of Antarctic ice shelves. The project aims to better understand the melting processes at the ice-water boundary and provide valuable insights into the impact of climate change on global sea levels.

The Challenge of Studying Ice Shelves

Ice shelves, which extend many kilometers into the Southern Ocean, are among the most inaccessible places on Earth. The waters beneath these ice shelves are critical to understanding the melting process, but they are difficult to reach with traditional research methods. To overcome this challenge, the IceNode project is developing a unique approach using autonomous underwater robots.

How IceNode Works

Each IceNode robot is 2.4 meters long and has a diameter of 25 centimeters. The robots will be deployed from a research ship at the edge of the



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