Understanding Wallonia’s New Detention Centers in Grivegnée: Community Concerns and Government Plans

2023-11-22 10:53:00

And it is therefore in Grivegnée, precisely in the Belvaux space, recently acquired by the Belgian State, that the Ministry of Justice intends to create this structure.

This Tuesday evening, during an information meeting intended for residents of the neighborhood, at the Belvaux space, the Minister of Justice Open VLD Paul Van Tigchelt, came in person to defend this project in which he “believes ”. But this consideration did not overcome the anger of local residents who had also moved in large numbers. The meeting almost got out of hand when the mass of citizens might not even fit into a room that was too cramped.

Wallonia will in turn open detention centers: everything you need to know

Who are these detainees? How will they be received here? And above all, why did you choose Grivegnée, a neighborhood that is already particularly dense and lacking in local police, according to local residents? So many questions addressed to the minister who was unable to complete his presentation.

The Open VLD elected official may explain that these detention centers are “a more humane way of treating people to avoid repeat offenses”, nothing will do to calm the anger of the people who mainly deplored having “been presented with a fait accompli ”. Main criticism in fact: “not having consulted the population before”.

“Reintegrate, work”

”I have been a criminologist for 30 years and the measures proposed here are alternatives [NDLR : aux prisons classiques] that work”. “The people who will be in this house will not be sex offenders or terrorists. And they will be selected because coming to a detention center is a choice, those who come show a desire to reintegrate, to work.”

Minister Open VLD’s team also played all its cards this Tuesday evening… but added that, “yes, there are exit permits”, insisting on the fact that it is “the duty of society to solutions to reduce crime”.

But always this question: why come to the Grivegnée district? “Because the place met all the criteria for a detention center, available space, in an urban environment, close to public transport.”

“Last green lung of Grivegnée”, “devalued houses”.

In principle, local residents did not say they were opposed to detention centers but beyond the “sharing” of space and the insecure nature of such “mixing”, it is above all the density of the neighborhood which is already significant and sometimes the absence of police presence which were mentioned. “Concentrating so many detainees at the back of our gardens is madness,” said a local resident, applauded by the crowd. “Not to mention that Belvaux park is the last green lung of the district,” continued this member of the Collective for the preservation of Belvaux space.

And many residents suggested to the minister “to now buy our houses which will lose value”. For the residents of Grivegnée, it was clear this Tuesday evening: “it’s no”.

#meeting #bringing #angry #residents #Minister #Justice #hand #Grivegnée



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