“Understanding US Immigration Laws: Avoid Deportation and Visa Denials”

2023-04-29 01:33:50


According to the Argentine, who shared his experience on April 16, the episode occurred in February of this year.


If migrating to the United States can be an ‘odyssey’ for some, maintaining the permit is also important; because if the North American measures are not complied with, the beneficiary may be subject to deportation and elimination of the visa. In the interest of guaranteeing their security, that country is emphatic that the entry conditions must be met and the risk of a negative record must be avoided.

One of the most recurring reasons why this permit is denied is if the authorities see that the applicant intends to stay indefinitely. Precisely, therein lies one of the struggles of that country: to control the migratory crisis, even more so when hundreds of people seek to enter illegally every year.

One case of deportation was the one experienced by a young Latino who, according to what he told All News“the main idea was to go and raise money to be able to obtain and pay for Italian citizenship.”

“They saw something on my cell phone”

After the first questions, these were answered by another employee “and she told me ‘look, I really don’t believe you. A lot of people are coming here to stay, so what I’m going to ask is that you give me your cell phone and passwords to see if we can find something, if not, we’re going to let you pass’”, continued the Argentine.

According to All News, he denied at all times that he had sought profit there, although he told this medium “that he worked in a clothing store, blank, it is not that I was five months of tourism. The visa was valid and I did not remain illegal (…). What happened is that they saw something on my cell phone. They realized it was empty.

Doubts were fueled and after spending the whole day waiting for an answer, he ended up deported to South America.

A failed attempt to enter

An Argentine told that digital platform why he was deported from the United States, the second time he tried to enter and after which he received a veto for six years. Ignacio de Luca thus detailed how his plans “went down” in a matter of minutes and now he is back in Buenos Aires (where he had returned six months ago due to the death of his grandmother).

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De Luca was in Miami and returned to his country of origin before the six months allowed. His story at the airport in that city joins others in which the immigration authorities block the passage after asking a series of questions.

“I had already gone to Miami (…), I stayed for five months and returned (to Argentina). I was here for six months, the time that they recommend you stay, I went through the migration line and the official begins to ask the classic questions: how much money do I bring, if it was the first time I came,” said the young man and mentioned that, although the authorities confirmed compliance with the time on his first trip, they began to sow doubts.

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