Understanding the Symptoms and Risk Factors of Mouth and Throat Cancer

2023-06-18 09:49:00

Mouth and throat cancer can, according to theHealth Insurance, remain symptom-free for a long time. And when these appear, they can be very variable depending on the location of the damage.

Different symptoms of throat cancer

Among the most common symptoms are cough, continuous pain in a specific spot, lump in the neck (nodal gradually increasing in size and not painful), difficulty in swallowing, a persistent feeling of “nose blocked” (on one side only), a sore on the lips or tongue that does not heal, difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) or even hoarseness lasting beyond two weeks. Losing weight can also be a sign of mouth and throat cancer.

This cancer – also called cancer of the upper aerodigestive tract – actually includes different diseases: cancer of the nasopharynx (behind the nose), that of the oropharynx (behind the mouth, where the tonsils are located), of the hypopharynx (part lower throat, above the esophagus and trachea), glottis (at the level of the vocal cords), supraglottic (upper area of ​​the larynx) and subglottic (lower part of the larynx).

Risk factors for throat cancer

Smoking, alcohol consumption and infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV): these are the three main risk factors for cancer of the mouth and throat, according to the MSD Manual. Thus, even if there is no way known to date to prevent cancer of the upper aerodigestive tract, it is quite possible to limit the risks.

To do this, you must not smoke, limit your alcohol consumption, adopt a balanced diet and protect yourself once morest HPV. Indeed, some throat cancers can be caused by an HPV infection, such as that of the oropharynx. For the vast majority of cases, they are due to this infection according to the Canadian Cancer Society.

Oropharyngeal cancer is on the rise with 4,993 new cases recorded in France in 2018, according to Public Health France. For cases diagnosed between 2010 and 2015, Public Health France estimated 5-year survival was 41% in men and 53% in women.


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